Give nature a hand at the 1st Eaglehawk Waterhole working bee – Tuesday the 30th Sept!

Give nature a hand at the 1st Eaglehawk Waterhole working bee – Tuesday the 30th Sept!

Greenhoods blooming amongst the old fenceposts
at Eaglehawk Waterhole – 03/09/2014 (photos J. Tuck)

After the Eaglehawk Waterhole Open Day back in May, steady progress has been made to keep this new restoration reserve moving in the right direction. Infrastructure and weed mapping has been completed, along with initial revegetation works and flora surveys. Fox and weed control measures have begun, and a property management plan is being finalised, with much thought given to how the reserve fits into the broader ecological landscape.

In short – with an area of nearly 700 hectares and a goal of full ecological restoration across the reserve – there’s always lots to be done!

Eaglehawk Waterhole is a community site, and we’re hoping to utilise some of the amazing knowledge (and physical energy!) out there, so we’re holding the inaugural Eaglehawk Waterhole Working Bee on Tuesday September 30, from 9am.

This month, there are a few things to achieve:

  • Beginning spring flora and fauna exploration – an opportunity to share what we’ve seen so far and have a ramble to see what else can be discovered. The group’s plant and animal ID skills will be invaluable here!
  • Burning to promote regeneration using Banksia cones, with Cassie Hlava – Bushland Restoration Project Officer at DEWNR (subject to weather conditions).
  • Brush matting of Leptospermum continentale.
  • Setting up fauna survey grids using roofing tiles.
  • Nocturnal animal spotlight survey (from 7pm) – welcome to camp overnight Mon or Tue.

In future months we’ll continue spotlight surveys, reptile surveys, pulling out some of the old fencing, more flora and fauna exploration, and seed collection for propagation in the NGT community nursery.

If you’re interested in coming out on the 30th (and you’re welcome to arrive the day before or stay a day longer) or want to register your interest for future monthly working bees, please contact Jonathan Tuck at or call 0402 6633 63 or (08) 8797 8596.

Diamond Firetail on the entrance track – 03/09/2014

Regenerating Banksia ornata – 03/09/2014



Jonathan Tuck