World Wetlands Day 2013

World Wetlands Day 2013

Tomorrow (or today if you are reading this on Saturday) is World Wetlands Day 2013!

To celebrate World Wetlands Day this year, Natural Resources – South East will be holding events later in February to mark the occasion, and NGT will be helping out…

Along with a couple of other interesting presentations on Wednesday the 20th February in Mount Gambier, I’ll be giving a talk about the restoration of Piccaninnie Ponds and Pick Swamp, and the following Saturday (23/2) you’ll have the chance to experience (up-close) the (now internationally recognised) rising-spring habitats of the Lower South East.

For more information, click on the image below, or call Natural Resources – South East on 08 8735 1177.

World Wetlands Day 2013



Mark Bachmann