A great story on Robbie the bittern – by Ian Lunt
For anyone who may have missed it from our facebook page, a great story about Robbie the Bittern by Ian Lunt was published on-line a couple of weeks ago. You can read the article here, or download a pdf version here: The hunt for ‘Robbie B’ a case of once bittern, twice shy – The Citizen
Also, in case you are wondering, the latest update on Robbie from Matt Herring’s blog is below:
“Robbie has now been at Long Swamp for almost a month. When the transmitter comes online for eight hours (every 48 hours), his movements typically span between 500 metres and 1 kilometre. He has his favourite spots, but is regularly using an area covering about 200 hectares. Will he eventually fly back to the Riverina in time for the next rice season? Perhaps one or more young females on the coast will be impressed by his future booms and he’ll embrace the permanent sea change.”
So the great news is that Robbie appears to have settled in at Long Swamp – it is going to be very interesting to see what he does next!