An update on NGT’s current priorities: See what a donation to NGT before the end of June could support this year
With the end of financial year fast approaching, this is a time of year when I often get asked what NGT’s current funding priorities are, with donated funds playing an increasingly important role in the operation of our not-for-profit organisation and in helping us to maximise our on-ground impact across south-eastern Australia.
While we totally understand that not everyone will currently be in a position to consider making donation this year, if this is something you are considering, we can tell you that our main current priorities are:
– Funds for land purchase (as we are currently working on a Restoration Reserve land purchase that we hope to announce in the near future)
– Increasing the balance of the NGT Foundation (this is the long-term endowment fund that will ensure NGT’s sustainability, including care for our Reserves)
– A range of other specific projects, equipment, or Reserve specific needs, which can be discussed upon request, or supported by making a general donation.
If you have any questions and wish to discuss making a tax-deductible donation (or need advice on making a bequest through your will), please contact:
Lisa McIntyre
Partnerships Coordinator
0428 749 235
PS. Two examples of past NGT land purchases that were partly funded by donations include our spectacular restoration demonstration sites at Mt Burr Swamp and Walker Swamp, shown below.