Fleurieu Peninsula Swamps

Regular readers will recall, from a previous blog, a project at Yundi Nature Conservancy, where NGT is helping landholder and conservationist John Fargher restore an area of the critically endangered Fleurieu Peninsula Swamp ecological community. The property includes some intact areas of Fleurieu Peninsula Swamp,...

Over the years at NGT we've worked on wetland restoration investigations and implemented projects at wide range of wetland types. If you have been following these stories for some time, you will have seen how valuable digital elevation data (a Digital Elevation Model or DEM,...

The invasion and displacement of more diverse wetland vegetation by Phragmites australis (common reed) is an issue affecting many Fleurieu Peninsula Swamps, including some of the most intact examples such as Glenshera Swamp. Phragmites is a native wetland plant with a cosmopolitan distribution (native to...

Regular readers will be familiar with NGT's ongoing hydrological restoration work at Glenshera Swamp, on the Fleurieu Peninsula near Mount Compass.In the previous newsletter we described recent work completed to backfill an artificial drain that was denying flow to a natural, meandering creekline that formerly carried...

Over three wet days in early May, NGT staff (Mark and Ben) got to work with the assistance of an earthworks contractor, backfilling more artificial drains within Stipiturus Conservation Park. This important reserve contains a signification portion of Glenshera Swamp, the largest and most intact...

National Threatened Species Day is celebrated annually on the 7th September to commemorate the death of the last Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacine) in Hobart in 1936. Although the origin of National Threatened Species Day is sad and gloomy, it is a good time to reflect on...

As regular readers will know, Glenshera Swamp (including Stipiturus Conservation Park) is one of the largest and most intact examples of the critically endangered Fleurieu Pensinsula Swamps, and a site that NGT have been helping to restore in South Australia. Back in July 2016, several months...