Threatened mainland fauna

The Eared Worm-Lizard (Aprasia aurita) is an endangered legless lizard species endemic to south-eastern Australia. The species was only relatively recently identified in the South East, with annual surveys conducted since 2012. The surveys occur along the Reedy Creek Range between the months of September...

It's taken a little while to pull everything together, but the huge job of collecting digging abundance data in the field for the Southern Brown Bandicoot (completed by 2016 NGT graduate intern Andrea Fullagar) - has led to a major review of the species in the South...

The demise of many of the medium sized ('critical weight range') small mammals across south-eastern Australia that followed the concurrent suppression or eradication of dingoes and the arrival of foxes - combined of course with the clearance, development and intensive grazing of land - was for the most part swift and...

We've now reached a point in this series where the stories told so far intertwine. The undeniable reality is that, without realising it, the early settlers had paved the way for the establishment and explosion of the fox population – by deliberately persecuting, suppressing and, successfully eradicating from many districts, the only...