Wirey Swamp Land Purchase

Let’s create the Wirey Swamp Restoration Reserve!

Wirey Swamp is a deep freshwater marsh located on a 180 acre parcel of land in the Strathdownie district of western Victoria, about a 25 minute drive west of Casterton and also a short distance from one of the region’s most important brolga flocking sites near Kaladbro.

The swamp, which is currently used for farming (cattle grazing), has been impacted by artificial drainage for several decades, resulting in seasonal dehydration of its once permanently-saturated peat soil. Along with removing cattle grazing, we’re also committed to carefully assessing potential ways of improving water management to benefit the wetland. These activities can enhance habitat quality and attract a diversity of wildlife.

If our fundraiser is successful, the Wirey Swamp Restoration Reserve will join NGT’s existing network of Restoration Reserves.

Additionally, every tax-deductible donation received before settlement (end of June 2025), will be matched – dollar for dollar (up to a total of $300,000) – by our partners: Australian Bluegum Plantations (ABP) and OneFortyOne, plantation forestry companies that we work alongside in the local community.

For more detailed information please follow this link, and if you have any questions, you can also contact us directly () at Nature Glenelg Trust.

Thank you for supporting our ecological restoration work – and for being part of positive, targeted, on-ground environmental solutions!

Online Payment

You can make an instant, matched contribution towards the Wirey Swamp land purchase by clicking the link below:

Alternative Payment Methods:

Direct Deposit

To avoid processing fees and ensure that every cent of your donation goes directly to the project, please consider making a direct bank transfer to our Gift Fund, noting that NGT is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient by the Australian Taxation Office:

Account Name:                    Nature Glenelg Trust

BSB:                                         313-140

Acc Number:                        12029616

Reference:                            Wirey Swamp land purchase

If you decide to do a direct deposit please send us an email () so that we can email you a receipt for your tax return – plus, if you are interested, we’d love to keep you up to date with what we are doing here at NGT so you can see what you are contributing to make happen on the ground!


Call the NGT office to donate over the phone

Please call Toni in the NGT office on (08) 8797 8596, or on 0438 268 114, and we will be able to take your credit card details and process the donation over the phone.


Send a cheque addressed to:

Nature Glenelg Trust
PO Box 2177
Mount Gambier, SA, 5290
Reference: Wirey Swamp land purchase

Please remember to include your name and address, so that we can send you a donation receipt for your next tax return.