Grassland restoration at Mount Vandyke given a big boost!
Last month we shared the fantastic news about the expansion of Walker Swamp and it just so happens that we have more good news to share!
NGT was also awarded a second, smaller grant of $66,000 from the Victorian Government’s Nature Fund Program, that will give our grassland restoration efforts a big boost at Mt Vandyke over the next two years.
As you can see in the next article, we’ve been working hard on restoring the native vegetation communities of Mt Vandyke after a long history of farming and a more recent phase of commercial plantation forestry.

The Nature Fund grant will allow us to upscale habitat restoration works at the site, with the new government investment in the project matching donations by our philanthropic partners and donors. These revegetation efforts will, in turn, help us to fast track the timeline for small mammal reintroductions, which we know everyone is keen to see occur inside our new predator-proof fence as soon as possible!
In the meantime however, we’ve also discovered that the fence has other benefits, and is proving to be an extremely effective tool for protecting our revegetation from excessive browsing pressure, while it is establishing.
This project will allow NGT to take a big step forward in the establishment of Mt Vandyke as a strategic, integrated Victorian Volcanic Plain grassland and small mammal restoration hub in the heart of the Cobboboonee forest.
We’ll keep you informed as the project unfolds over the months and years ahead!
The recently announced Mount Vandyke Restoration project is being delivered by
with the generous support of
private philanthropic donors,
the Purryburry Trust, and
the Victorian Government’s Nature Fund Program