Revisiting Long Swamp – the 1953 Glenelg River Angling Club working bee at Nobles Rocks
In previous blog (see here), we looked at some of the interesting oral history of Long Swamp and a newspaper article from 1953, when the Glenelg River Angling Club began to take an interest in the Nobles Rocks outlet.
Here is the Border Watch article from the 10th of September 1953, written by “Sinker”, as presented in the previous blog:
So what happened next?
By October of 1953, the plans for the works were formally coming together:
Then finally, an account of the working bee appeared in the Border Watch in December 1953:
The decision of the Angling Club to abandon plans at Nobles Rocks was confirmed in a Border Watch article in August of 1954:
This closed the first interesting chapter of efforts to undertake works at Nobles Rocks.
But as locals may know, this was not the end of the story. A future blog will revisit a later attempt to block the outlets at White Sands and Nobles Rocks undertaken in the 1970’s.