Upcoming Eaglehawk Planting Festival – Saturday the 18th June

Upcoming Eaglehawk Planting Festival – Saturday the 18th June

We’d like to invite you to join us at our upcoming planting festival on Saturday 18 June.

Eaglehawk Waterhole is a 1700 acre private nature reserve owned and managed by NGT. The former grazing property will be restored over the years ahead for native wildlife, and we could use your help with this exciting process – starting with our first major planting festival in 2016!

This winter will be the first of two big planting seasons at Eaglehawk as part of our 20 Million Trees project, for which NGT has been supported to plant 15,000 seedlings over 3 years. 20 Million Trees is a federal government programme aiming to support the planting of, you guessed it, 20 million trees and associated understorey plants, by 2020. The total number of seedlings will be comprised of approximately half food plants for South-eastern Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, and half understorey species.

The two food source plants we will be using in this revegetation project are Stringybark (Eucalyptus arenacea) and Bull-oak (Allocasuarina luehmannii), with the nursery currently bursting at the seams with plants ready to head up to the property.

Strongybark seedlings ready to go!

Stringybark seedlings ready to go!

This year, we will be planting approximately 7500 seedlings at Eaglehawk, with a similar number to follow next year. The species list for this year’s planting is diverse and other than the above mentioned species includes various Wattles (Acacia spinescens, A. oxycedrus, A. myrtifolia), Swamp She-oak (Allocasuarina paludosa,), Chocolate Lilies (Arthropodium species), Muntries (Kunzea pomifera), Banksias (Banksia ornataB. marginata), and natives pines (Callitris gracilis, C. rhomboidea).

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If you’ve ever had an interest in checking out the property, or if you’ve been before and enjoyed yourself, this is the perfect opportunity to spend some time at the site; you are welcome to join us in camping out overnight. If you’d like to be involved contact Rose for more details:


Rose Thompson