We hope to see you on Monday for the opening of the Community Nursery Site!

We hope to see you on Monday for the opening of the Community Nursery Site!

Welcome to the NGT Community Nursery Site…

It is now only a couple of days until the opening of the community nursery site and we have been fortunate to get some local media coverage in the Border Watch and a radio interview scheduled for ABC South East at 9:05 Monday morning!

Border Watch 21st June 2013 – Community Nursery Opening

The transformation is almost complete…

For all the details about the event, click here or go to the media release for the latest details of the day.

Invitation to the Opening of the Cross-border Community Nursery in Mount Gambier

Anyone interested is welcome to attend the official proceedings at 1:30pm (SA time), which will be followed by an “open afternoon” until 5pm, when anyone is welcome to drop by and have a cuppa and a chat with the NGT staff on-site.

Every half hour from 2:00 – 4:00pm, a different NGT staff member, normally based at a range of regional locations in SA and SW Vic, will present a short 10 minute talk on topics including the nursery project, wetland restoration project, the penguins of Middle Island (Warrnambool), threatened fish & crays and who Nature Glenelg Trust actually is. Refer to the media release for full details.

What: Official opening of the Cross-border Community Nursery site & open day

Family Friendly!

When: Monday 24 June

Official opening: 1:30pm (SA time)

Open Day from: 2:00 – 5:00pm (SA time)

Where: Vansittart Park, Wehl St, Mount Gambier (Parking available at the oval)

Light refreshments provided

Enquiries: Ken Baker, 0437 597 685 OR

Mark Bachmann, 0421 978 181

Becky McCann