
Since its formation in late 2011, Nature Glenelg Trust (also incorporating our trading names Aquasave-NGT and NGT Consulting) has consistently delivered high quality reports and scientific papers. These publications are listed (and some are linked for viewing or download) below.

2022 –  2021 – 2020 – 2019 – 2018 – 2017 – 2016 – 2015 – 2014201320122011Relevant earlier publications


Media Release: Murray Crayfish Release (July 2024).Media Release Murray Crayfish Release July 2024.pdf/

Media Release:  Sustaining coordinated species-level actions to recover Murray Hardyhead (12 July 2024). MEDIA-RELEASE-July-2024-Murray-Hardyhead

Kerr, G. D. and Auld H. (2024). Implementing a citizen science bird monitoring project in the Grampians/Gariwerd National Park, Victoria, Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, DOI: 10.1080/03721426.2024.2341350.

Sheldon, R., Bachmann, M., Taylor, B. and Farrington, L. (2024). Eco-hydrological Assessment and Restoration Plan for Burdens Marsh, Sloping Main Reserve, turrakana/Tasman Peninsula. Report to Tasmanian Land Conservancy. Nature Glenelg Trust, Hobart, Tasmania.

Taylor, B., Haywood, B. and Roberts, T. (2024). Wetland Vegetation Mapping and Fauna Surveys of the Adelaide Park Lands. Report to City of Adelaide. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.


Zukowski, S. and Whiterod, N. (2022). Platypus habitat suitability survey of the River Torrens. Aquasave–Nature Glenelg Trust, Victor Harbor.

Kerr, G. D. and Gully, G. A. (2023). Bird communities and effects of management in Heathy Woodlands in the Grampians/Gariwerd National Park. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, DOI: 10.1080/03721426.2023.2265638


Austin C. M., Whiterod N. S., McCormack R., Raadik T. A., Ahyong S. T., Lintermans M., Furse J. M., Grandjean F. (2022). ‘Molecular taxonomy of Australia’s endemic freshwater crayfish genus Euastacus (Parastacidae), with reference to priority 2019–20 bushfire-impacted species – 2022 update.’ Deakin University and Aquasave-NGT, Victor Harbor, Australia.

Legge S., Rumpff L., Woinarski J. C. Z., Whiterod N. S., Ward M., Southwell D. G., Scheele B. C., Nimmo D. G., Lintermans M., Geyle H., Garnett S. T., Hayward-Brown B., Ensbey M., Ehmke G., Ahyong S. T., Blackmore C. J., Bower D. S., Brizuela-Torres D., Burbidge A. H., Burns P. A., Butler G., Catullo R., Chapple D. G., Dickman C. R., Doyle K., Ferris J., Fisher D., Gallagher R., Gillespie G. R., Greenlees M. J., Hohnen R., Hoskin C. J., Hunter D., Jolly C., Kennard M., King A., Kuchinke D., Law B., Lawler I., Lawler S., Loyn R., Lunney D., Lyon J., MacHunter J., Mahony M., Mahony S., McCormack R. B., Melville J., Menkhorst P., Michael D., Mitchell N, Mulder E., Newell D., Pearce L., Raadik T. A., Rowley J., Sitters H., Spencer R., Valavi R., West M., Wilkinson D. P., Zukowski S. (2022). Assessing the conservation impacts of ecological disturbance: time-bound estimates of population loss and recovery for fauna affected by the 2019-20 Australian megafires Global Ecology and Biogeography, DOI: 10.1111/geb.13473.

Legge S., Woinarski J., Scheele B., Garnett S. T., Lintermans M., Nimmo D., Whiterod N. S., Southwell D., Ehmke G., Buchan A., Gray J., Rumpff L., van Leeuwen S., Williams D., Ahyong S. T., Hossain M. A., Hunter D., Kennard M., Marsh J., McCormack R., Michael D., N. M., Newell D., Raadik T., Tingley R. (2022). Rapid assessment of the biodiversity impacts of the 2019-20 Australian megafires to guide urgent management intervention and recovery, and lessons for other regions. Diversity and Distributions 28, 571-591.

Marshall I., Brauer C. J., Wedderburn S., Whiterod N. S., Hammer M. P., Barnes T. C., Attard C. R., Moller L. M., Beheregaray L. B. (2022). Longitudinal monitoring of neutral and adaptive genomic diversity in a reintroduction. Conservation Biology, doi: 10.1111/cobi.13889.

Taylor, B., Haywood, B. and Roberts, T. (2022). Baseline Waterbird Monitoring of Lake Hawdon North, 2022. Report to the South Australian Government Department for Environment and Water. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Taylor, B., Roberts, T., Farrington, L., Bachmann, M. and Zukowski, S. (2022). Ecohydrological Restoration Assessment of the Aldinga Washpool. Report to the Green Adelaide Board. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Taylor, B., Zukowski, S., Jackson, M., Whiterod, N., Haywood, B., Tuck. J., Farrington, L., McEvoy, P. and Prowse, T. (2022). Baseline Ecological Monitoring of Lake Hawdon North, 2021. Report to the South Australian Government Department for Environment and Water. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Wedderburn S. D., Whiterod N. S., Vilizzi L. (2022). Occupancy modelling confirms the first extirpation of a freshwater fish from one of the world’s largest river systems. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 32, 258-268.

Whiterod N. S., Furse J. M., Lutz M., Lintermans M., McCormack R., Zukowski S., Thompson R., Raadik T. A., Marshall J., Miller A. D., Austin C., Ahyong S. T. ((2022). ‘The 2022 Action Plan for priority 2019–20 bushfire-impacted species from Australia’s endemic freshwater crayfish genus Euastacus (Parastacidae).’ Aquasave–Nature Glenelg Trust, Victor Harbor, Australia.

Whiterod N., Huntley S., Zukowski S. (2022). ‘Reestablishing threatened small-bodied native fish in the Victorian Mallee, 2021 – a 2022 update.’ A report to the Tri-State Murray NRM Regional Alliance and the Mallee Catchment Management Authority. Aquasave–Nature Glenelg Trust, Victor Harbor.



Beheregaray L. B., Attard C. R., Brauer C. J., Whiterod N. S., Wedderburn S., Hammer M. (2021). Conservation breeding and reintroduction of pygmy perches in the lower Murray-Darling Basin, Australia: two similar species, two contrasting outcomes. In ‘Global conservation translocation perspectives: 2021. Case studies from around the globe’. (Ed. P. S. Soorae). (IUCN SSC Conservation Translocation Specialist Group: Gland, Switzerland).

Ellis I., Whiterod N. (2021). ‘Intervention monitoring associated with the translocation of Murray Hardyhead into Little Frenchmans Creek, Wingillie Station NSW.’ Annual Report 2021, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.

Farrington, L. and Taylor, B. (2021). Protecting the Robe Lakes While Increasing Water Retention in Lake Hawdon North Upstream. Report to the South Australian Government Department for Environment and Water. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Geyle, H. M., Braby, M. F., Andren, M., Beaver, E. P., Bell, P., Byrne, C., Castles, M., Douglas, F., Glatz, R. V., Haywood, B., Hendry, P., Kitching, R.L., Lambkin, T. A., Meyer, C. E., Moore, M. D., Moss, J. T. Nally, S., New, T. R., Palmer, C. M., Petrie, E., Potter-Craven, J., Richards, K., Sanderson, C., Stolarski, A., Taylor, G. S., Williams, M.R., Woinarski, J. C. Z., and Garnett, S. T. (2021). Butterflies on the brink: identifying the Australian butterflies (Lepidoptera) most at risk of extinction. Austral Entomology, 60, 98–110.

Legge S., Woinarski J. C. Z., Garnett S. T., Geyle H., Lintermans M., Nimmo D. G., Rumpff L., Scheele B. C., Southwell D. G., Ward M., Whiterod N. S., Ahyong S., Blackmore C., Bower D., Brizuela Torres D., Burbidge A. H., Burns P., Butler G., Catullo R., Dickman C. R., Doyle K., Ensbey M., Ehmke, Ferris J., G., , Fisher D., Gallagher R., Gillespie G., Greenlees M. J., Hayward-Brown B., Hohnen R., Hoskin C., Hunter D., Jolly C., Kennard M., King A., Kuchinke D., Law B., Lawler I., Lawler S., Loyn R., Lunney D., Lyon J., MacHunter J., Mahony M., Mahony S., McCormack R., Melville J., Menkhorst P., Michael D., Mitchell N., Mulder E., Newell D., Pearce L., Raadik T., Rowley J., Sitters H., Spencer R., Valavi R., Ward M., West M., Wilkinson D., Zukowski S. (2021). ‘Estimates of the impacts of the 2019–20 fires on populations of native animal species.’ NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub. Project 8.3.2 report, Brisbane, Australia.

Medina van Berkum P., Haelewaters D., Thompson J. R. E., Uribe E., Vulinec K., Martin T. (2021). Bat assemblages and their ectoparasites in a Honduran cloud forest: Effects of disturbance and altitude. Journal of Mesoamerican Biology 1: 51-69.
Whiterod N. S., Brown L., Farrington L., Bachmann M., Vilizzi L. (2021). Long and lasting: spatial patterns and temporal trends in a fish community responding to landscape-scale hydrological restoration of a freshwater coastal wetland complex. Landscape Ecology.

Whiterod N., Gannon R. (2021). ‘A 2020‒21 update on the population status of Murray Hardyhead in Noora Drainage Disposal Basin.’ A report to South Australian Department for Environment and Water. Aquasave–Nature Glenelg Trust, Victor Harbor.

Whiterod N., Gannon R. (2021). ‘2021 EMLR Fish Monitoring.’ A letter of report to the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board. Aquasave-Nature Glenelg Trust, Victor Harbor.

Whiterod N., Gannon R. (2021). ‘Fish Monitoring – Onkaparinga, South Para and Torrens Rivers, spring 2020.’ A letter of report to the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board. Aquasave-Nature Glenelg Trust, Victor Harbor.

Whiterod N., Gannon R., Robinson S. (2021). ‘Understanding the population response of Murray Hardyhead in the Gurra Gurra Wetland Complex during a weir pool raising event.’ A report to South Australian Department for Environment and Water. Aquasave–Nature Glenelg Trust, Victor Harbor.

Whiterod N., Zukowski S., Ellis I., Gilligan D., Pearce L., Raadik T., Rose P., Robinson S., Stoessel D., Wedderburn S., WIllis D. (2021). ‘A 2021 update on the status of key small-bodied threatened freshwater fishes in the southern Murray-Darling Basin.’ A report to the Tri-State Murray NRM Regional Alliance. Aquasave-Nature Glenelg Trust, Victor Harbor.

Whiterod N. S., Asmus M., Zukowski S., Gilligan D., Daly T. (2021). Reintroduction to re-establish locally extirpated populations of the second largest freshwater crayfish in the world (Murray Crayfish Euastacus armatus). In ‘Global conservation translocation perspectives: 2021. Case studies from around the globe’. (Ed. P. S. Soorae). (IUCN SSC Conservation Translocation Specialist Group: Gland, Switzerland).

Whiterod N. S., Brown L., Farrington L., Bachmann M., Vilizzi L. (2021). Long and lasting: spatial patterns and temporal trends in a fish community responding to landscape-scale hydrological restoration of a freshwater coastal wetland complex. Landscape Ecology.

Zukowski S., Whiterod N., Ellis I., Gilligan D., Kerezsy A., Lamin C., Lintermans M., Mueller S., Raadik T. A., Stoessel D. (2021). Conservation translocation handbook for New South Wales threatened freshwater fishes. Aquasave-NGT, Victor Harbor.


Bachmann, M.R. (2020) The role of historical sources in the restoration of Long Swamp, Discovery Bay, Victoria. Ecological Restoration & Management Vol 21 No. 1. Pages 14-25.

Taylor, B. (2020). Restoration Feasibility Assessment of Lake Hawdon North. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Taylor B., Bachmann M., Farrington L. and Roberts, T. (2020) Eco-hydrological Investigation and Restoration Planning for Big Marsh. The Spit Nature Conservation Reserve, Port Phillip Bay (Western Shoreline) and Bellarine Peninsula Ramsar Site. Report to Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mumbannar, Victoria.

Whiterod N. (2020). ‘Simplification and decline: the present status of fish communities across Mosquito Creek Catchment.’ A report for the South East Natural Resources Management Board, Government of South Australia. Aquasave–Nature Glenelg Trust, Hindmarsh Valley, South Australia.

Whiterod N., Todd C. R., Zukowski S., Raymond S. M., Asmus M. a., Todd M. J. (2020). A population model provides support for management decisions, enables ongoing research and reinforces strong partnerships to manage a threatened freshwater crayfish. Accepted to Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.

Wedderburn S. D., Whiterod N. S., Barnes T. C., Shiel R. (2020). Ecological aspects related to reintroductions to avert the extirpation of a freshwater fish from a large floodplain riverAquatic Ecology, 54, 281-294.


Bachmann, M., Kerr, G. and Farrington, L. (2019). Walker Swamp 1st Anniversary Celebration Handout – Sunday 29th September 2019. Nature Glenelg Trust.

Coleman R., Raadik T., Whiterod N. (2019). Galaxiella toourtkoourt. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019. e.T122904035A123382176. Downloaded on 12 December 2019.

Gannon R., Wood D., Young C., Whiterod N. (2019). ‘Baseline survey of fish communities in Thule Creek and Pollack Lagoon to inform wetland management. A report to the Forestry Corporation of NSW.’ Aquasave-NGT, Hindmarsh Valley.

Haywood, B.T. (2019). Fire is the key to Cassinia tegulata survival. Australasian Plant Conservation, 27 (4), pp 21-24.

Haywood, B. (2019). The Cross-border Silver Xenica (Oreixenica lathoniella) translocation project. Myrmecia, 55 (2), pp 6.

Kerr G.D., L. Farrington and M. Bachmann (2019). Walker Swamp Hydrological Restoration Options Assessment. February 2019. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Pearce L., Bice C. M., Whiterod N., Raadik T. (2019). Nannoperca australis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019. e.T39301A123379189. Downloaded on 12 December 2019.

Stoessel D., Ellis I., Whiterod N., Gilligan D., Wedderburn S., Bice C. (2019). Craterocephalus fluviatilis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019. e.T40692A123379212. Downloaded on 12 December 2019.

Taylor, B. and Brown, L. (2019). Lake Hawdon South Vegetation Monitoring 2008 – 2019. Report to the South Australian Government Department for Environment and Water. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Tuck, J., Bachmann, M., Farrington, L., Taylor, B., Glare, A. and Veale, L. (2019). Baseline Synthesis of Ecohydrological Data for the Taratap and Tilley Swamp Watercourses, South East of South Australia. Report to the Department for Environment and Water, Government of South Australia. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier.

Wedderburn S., Whiterod N. and Gwinn D. (2019). ‘Determining the Status of Yarra Pygmy Perch in the Murray–Darling Basin‘. Report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office.’ The University of Adelaide and Aquasave–Nature Glenelg Trust, Adelaide.

Whiterod N. (2019). ‘The 2018 Richard Rischbieth Churchill Fellowship: To develop world’s best practice for the conservation translocation of threatened Australian freshwater species.’ The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, Canberra.

Whiterod N. (2019). ‘A translocation strategy to ensure the long-term future of threatened small-bodied freshwater fishes in the South Australian section of the Murray-Darling Basin.’ A report to Natural Resources, SA Murray-Darling Basin and the Riverine Recovery Project. Aquasave-Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.

Whiterod N. and Gannon R. (2019). ‘The implications of the rediscovery of Murray Hardyhead in the Gurra Gurra Wetland Complex for SARFIIP operation ‘ A report to South Australian Department for Water and Environment. Aquasave–Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.

Whiterod N. and Wood D. (2019). ‘Monitoring of Murray hardyhead sub-populations to inform wetland management in the Victorian Mallee region, Autumn 2019.’ A report to the Mallee CMA. Aquasave–Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.

Whiterod N. S. and Zukowski S. (2019). It’s not there, but it could be: a renewed case for reintroduction of a keystone species into the Lower River Murray. Transactions of Royal Society of South Australia 143, 51–66.

Whiterod N., Hammer M., Unmack P. (2019). Mogurnda clivicola. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019. e.T122913831A123382376. Downloaded on 12 December 2019.

Whiterod N., Raadik T., Hammer M. (2019). Nannoperca variegata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019. e.T14322A123378462. Downloaded on 12 December 2019.

Whiterod N., Hammer M., Freeman R., Raadik T., Coleman R. (2019). Neochanna cleaveri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019. e.T122904064A123382186. Downloaded on 12 December 2019.

Whiterod N., Hammer M., Unmack P., Mathwin R., Gotch T. (2019). Chlamydogobius gloveri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019. e.T4700A129047514. Downloaded on 12 December 2019.

Whiterod N., Hammer M., Unmack P., Mathwin R., Gotch T. (2019). Craterocephalus dalhousiensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019. e.T5489A123377703. Downloaded on 12 December 2019.

Whiterod N., Hammer M., Unmack P., Mathwin R., Gotch T. (2019). Mogurnda thermophila. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019. e.T122913887A123382386. Downloaded on 12 December 2019.

Whiterod N., Hammer M., Raadik T., Coleman R., Wedderburn S. D., Veale L., Saddlier S. (2019). Nannoperca obscura. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019. e.T39301A123379189. Downloaded on 12 December 2019.

Whiterod N., Zukowski S., Ellis I., Pearce L., Raadik T., Rose P., Stoessel D., Wedderburn S. (2019). ‘The present status of key small-bodied threatened freshwater fishes in the southern Murray-Darling Basin, 2019.’ A report to the Tri-State Murray NRM Regional Alliance. Aquasave-Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.


Bachmann, M. (2018). Breaking long-term deadlocks to restore wetlands on public and private land. Pages 11 and 12 in: Smith, R. (editor) (2018) Proceedings of Restore, Regenerate, Revegetate: A Conference on Restoring Ecological Processes, Ecosystems and Landscapes in a Changing World. Held at the University of New England, Armidale, from 5–9 February 2017 (Ecosystem Management, School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia).

Bachmann, M. (2018). Restoration of the Fleurieu Peninsula Swamps. Pages 16 and 17 in: Commonwealth of Australia (2018) Wetlands Australia 2018. Issue #30. Australian Government, Canberra.

Bachmann, M. (2018). Walker Swamp – Restoring the Wannon River floodplain in the southern Grampians, western Victoria. (Fundraising brochure) Nature Glenelg Trust, Mumbannar, Victoria.

Bachmann, M. and Kerr, G. (2018). Introduction to the Upper Wannon River Floodplain wetlands and the new Walker Swamp Restoration Reserve. Handout during field trip on Saturday 23rd June 2018. Nature Glenelg Trust, Victoria.

Bachmann, M. and Haywood, B. (2018). From illegal clearance to restoration reserve – the story of Eaglehawk Waterhole. Pages 13 and 14 in: Smith, R. (editor) (2018) Proceedings of Restore, Regenerate, Revegetate: A Conference on Restoring Ecological Processes, Ecosystems and Landscapes in a Changing World. Held at the University of New England, Armidale, from 5–9 February 2017 (Ecosystem Management, School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia).

Bachmann, M. and Farrington, L. (2018). Unlocking the self-sustaining restoration potential of drained wetlands. Pages 9 and 10 in: Smith, R. (editor) (2018) Proceedings of Restore, Regenerate, Revegetate: A Conference on Restoring Ecological Processes, Ecosystems and Landscapes in a Changing World. Held at the University of New England, Armidale, from 5–9 February 2017 (Ecosystem Management, School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia).

Bachmann, M., Farrington, L. and Veale, L. (2018). Long Swamp Restoration Trial Evaluation Report: 2014-2017. An assessment of site history, restoration works, eco-hydrological response and future management options. Prepared for the Glenelg Hopkins CMA, by Nature Glenelg Trust, Mumbannar, Victoria.

Bachmann, M., Taylor, B. and Farrington L. (2018). Glenshera Swamp hydrological restoration update – 2018. Nature Glenelg Trust, Adelaide, South Australia.

Farrington, L. (2018). Subregional baseline and predicted changes report for the SE NRM Region: Dunes and Flats. Report for the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.

Farrington, L. (2018). Subregional baseline and predicted changes report for the SE NRM Region: Mallee Woodlands. Report for the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.

Farrington, L. (2018). Subregional baseline and predicted changes report for the SE NRM Region: Ranges and Cross Border Creeks. Report for the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.

Farrington, L. (2018). Subregional baseline and predicted changes report for the SE NRM Region: Volcanic Plains and Southern Dunes. Report for the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.

Farrington, L., Taylor, B., Bachmann, M., Gannon, R. and Haywood, B. (2018). Large-scale Habitat Restoration in the South East NRM Region, South Australia. A Regional Assessment of Potential Future Projects and Review of Past Projects. Report to the Department for Environment and Water. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier.

García-Díaz, P. Kerezsy, A. Unmack, P.J. Lintermans, M. Beatty, S.J. Butler, G. Freeman, R. Hammer, M.P. Hardie, S. Kennard, M.J. Morgan, D.L. Pusey, B.J. Raadik, T.A. Thiem, J. Whiterod, N.S. Cassey, P. Duncan, R.P. (2018). Transport pathways shape the biogeography of alien freshwater fishes in Australia. Diversity and Distributions. DOI:10.1111/ddi.12777.

Haywood, B. T. (2018) Fauna survey of Adelaide Park lands, Adelaide (SA) – spring 2017 to autumn 2018. Report to Adelaide City Council. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Haywood, B. T. (2018). Reconniassance visit to Avenue District (South East SA) in the search for Southern Brown Bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus). Draft report to Department of Environment and Water, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Haywood, B.T., Bachmann, M., Thompson, R., Veale, L. and Tuck, J. (2018). Restoring Under-represented Ecological Communities of the South East of SA: Final project summary report 2014-18. Report to Department for Environment and Water, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Roberts, T., Bachmann, M. and Farrington, L. (2018). Long Swamp Restoration Project: Consolidation of the Phase 3 Trial Structure into a Permanent Landscape Feature. Concept Design Report: Milestone 30th June 2018. Report to the Glenelg Hopkins CMA. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mumbannar, Victoria.

Thompson, R. (2018). Review and Revision of the Southern Bent-wing Bat (Miniopterus orianae bassanii) Regional Action Plan for the South East of South Australia: 2017-2027. Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Todd, C.R. Whiterod, N.S. Raymond, S. Zukowski, S. Asmus, M.A. and Todd, M. (2018). Integrating fishing and conservation in a risk framework: A stochastic population model to guide proactive management of a threatened freshwater crayfish. Accepted to Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.

Veale, L, and Whiterod, N. (2018). ‘Status of freshwater fish in the Mosquito Creek and Bool and Hacks Lagoons, spring 2017.’ A report by the South Australian South East Natural Resources Management Board. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Veale L, and Whiterod, N. (2018). ‘Aquatic threatened species monitoring of karst rising-springs, 2014−2018.’ Report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.

Whiterod, N. (2018) 2018 EMLR Fish Monitoring. A letter of report to the SA Murray-Darling Basin NRM Board. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.

Whiterod, N. (2018). ‘Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges – reviewing the need to restore flows.’ DEWNR Technical note 2018/43, Government of South Australia, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Adelaide.

Whiterod, N. Haywood, B. and Veale, L. (2018). Ecological Monitoring of Wetlands in the South East of South Australia, 2017. Report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Whiterod, N.S. Zukowski, S. Asmus, M.A. Todd, C.R. Gwinn, D., (2018). Take the long way home: minimal recovery in a K-selected freshwater crayfish impacted by significant population loss. Ecological Indicators 89, 622–630.

Zukowski, S. Asmus, M. Whiterod, N., Conallin, A., Campbell, J. Fisher, I. and Bright, T. (2018).  Collaborating with recreational fishers to inform fisheries management – estimating population size for an iconic freshwater crayfish. Ecological Management and Restoration 19, 85–88.


Bachmann, M. (2017) Restoring flows to Glenshera Swamp after 70 years of drainage. Stipiturus CP Restoration Update:  24th and 25th September 2017. Nature Glenelg Trust.

Bachmann, M. (2017) Incredible community support secures Mt Burr Swamp for restoration. Wetlands Australia Magazine. Issue 29, Chapter 7, Pages 65-66.

Bachmann, M. (2017) Results of a Growling Grass Frog (Litoria raniformis) survey at Mount Burr Swamp, after initial restoration works in 2016. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mumbannar, Victoria.

Bachmann, M. (2017) The restoration journey begins at Mount Burr Swamp. Mt Burr Swamp Supporters Update: 12th August 2017. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mt Gambier.

Bachmann, M. (2017) Glenshera Swamp Restoration: Brief summary report to DEWNR of autumn 2017 hydrological restoration works within and adjacent to Stipiturus CP. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mt Gambier.

Bachmann, M. and Farrington, L. (2017) Hydrological restoration options for Square Waterhole Swamp, Hesperilla Conservation Park: A case study for Fleurieu Peninsula swamp restoration in the SA Murray Darling Basin NRM Region. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mt Gambier.

Bachmann, M. and Fullagar, A. (2017) Surveys of Digging Abundance of the Southern Brown Bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus) in the South East of South Australia: 1998 – 2016. Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Farrington, L., Bachmann, M., Taylor, B. and Roberts, T. (2017) Identifying Fleurieu Peninsula swamps with eco-hydrological restoration potential in the Tookayerta catchment: A targeted assessment of landscape change within the SA Murray Darling Basin NRM Region. Nature Glenelg Trust, Adelaide.

Haywood, B. T. (2017). Review and Revision of the Southern Brown Bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus) Regional Action Plan for the South East of South Australia: 2017-2027. Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Haywood, B. T. (2017) Fauna survey of Victoria Park grassland, Adelaide (SA) – March 2017. Report to Adelaide City Council. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Horn, T. & Haywood, B. T. (2017). Wetland Condition Field Guide. ForestrySA, Mt Gambier.

Sargent, M. & Haywood, B. T. (2017). Translocation Plan for Silver Xenica (Oreixenica lathoniella herceus) in South East South Australia. Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Taylor, B. and Bachmann, M. (2017). Mount Burr Swamp Restoration Reserve – Management and Restoration Plan. Version 1 – September 2017. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Thompson, R. & Haywood, B. T. (2017). Translocation Plan for Avenue Cassinia (Cassinia tegulata) South East South Australia. A report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Tuck, J., Haywood B.T. & Bachmann, M. (2017) Restoring Under-represented Ecological Communities: Mid-project report 2014-16. Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Veale, L. (2017) Native fish responses to increased connectivity and flows in a restored freshwater wetland. Wetlands Australia Magazine. Issue 29, Chapter 7, Pages 84−85.

Wedderburn SD, Hammer MP, Bice CM, Lloyd LN, Whiterod NS, Zampatti BP (2017). Flow regulation simplifies a lowland fish assemblage in the Lower River Murray, South Australia. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia. 

Whiterod N (2017) 2017 EMLR Fish Monitoring. A letter of report to the SA Murray-Darling Basin NRM Board. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.

Whiterod N (2017). ‘Fish Monitoring – Onkaparinga, South Para and Torrens Rivers, autumn 2017.’ A letter of report to the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.

Whiterod, N.S., Meredith, S.N., Humphries, P., Sherman, B.S., Koehn, J.D., Watts, R.J., Ingram, B.A., Ryan, T. (2017). Flow alteration and thermal pollution depress modelled growth rates of an iconic riverine fish, the Murray cod Maccullochella peelii. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12384.

Whiterod, N. and Wedderburn, S. (2017). ‘Third time lucky?‘ RipRap, 40, 5253.

Whiterod, N.. and Zukowski, S. (2017) The status of the Murray crayfish recreational fishery in Victoria. A report funded by the Victorian Government using Recreational Fishing Licence fees.  Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.

Whiterod, N.S., Zukowski, S., Asmus, M., Gilligan, D., and Miller, A.D. (2017) Genetic analyses reveal limited dispersal and recovery potential in the large freshwater crayfish Euastacus armatus from the southern Murray-Darling Basin. Marine and Freshwater Research 68, 213−225.


Bachmann, M. (2016). Restoration journey of the Piccaninnie Ponds Karst Wetlands, South Australia. Ecological Management and Restoration. VOL 17, NO 2, MAY 2016. Pages 102-111.

Bachmann, M. (2016). Wetland restoration case studies from the Discovery Bay coast in South Australia and Victoria. Video presentation feature on RegenTV. Recorded live at the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (ABBR) Forum, Sydney on Thursday, 21st July 2016.

Bachmann, M. (2016). Progress of Discovery Bay wetland restoration works and how they interact with the Glenelg River. Handout for Road 2 River Festival – Nelson: Saturday 18th March 2016. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mt Gambier.

Bachmann, M. and Farrington, L. (2016). Hydrological restoration options for Glenshera Swamp, Stipiturus Conservation Park: A case study for investigating the feasibility of restoring the water regime of Fleurieu Peninsula swamps impacted by artificial drainage. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mt Gambier, South Australia.

Bachmann, M. R. and Haywood, B. T. (2016). Review and revision of the Heath Mouse (Pseudomys shortridgei) Regional Action Plan in the South East of South Australia: 2015-2025. Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Bachmann, M. and Tuck, J. (2016). Mount Burr Swamp – Help us create a new Wetland Reserve for the South East. (Printed fundraising brochure) Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Dickson C.R. (2016) Nationally threatened flora status assessment in the South East of South Australia. Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Dickson C.R. and L.F. Farrington (2016) Summary of findings – Canunda Grasslands Survey in the South East of South Australia, November 2012.  Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Farrington, L. and Bachmann, M. (2016). Hovells Creek Estuary Saltmarsh Hydrological Restoration Options Assessment. A report for Greening Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Warrnambool, Victoria.

Haywood, B. T. (2016). Review and revision of the Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) Regional Action Plan in the South East of South Australia: 2015-2025. Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Haywood, B. T. (2016). Swamp Gum (Eucalyptus ovata) Woodland Regional Action Plan in the South East of South Australia: 2015-2025. Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Haywood, B. T. & Tuck, J. (2016). Blue Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon) Woodland Regional Action Plan in the South East of South Australia: 2015-2025. Report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Miller, A (2016). The development of microsatellite loci through next generation sequencing, and a preliminary assessment of population genetic structure for the iconic Australian crane, Brolga (Antigone rubicunda). Nature Glenelg Trust, Warrnambool, Victoria.

Veale, L. (2016). Long Swamp Restoration Trial: Summary of fish monitoring in autumn 2016. Report to the Glenelg Hopkins CMA. Nature Glenelg Trust.

Whiterod N (2016). ‘2016 EMLR Fish Monitoring.’ A letter of report to the SA Murray-Darling Basin NRM Board. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.

Whiterod N (2016). ‘Fish Monitoring – Onkaparinga, South Para and Torrens Rivers, autumn 2016.’ A letter of report to the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.

Whiterod N (2016). ‘Fish Monitoring – Onkaparinga, South Para and Torrens Rivers, spring 2016.’ A letter of report to the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach.


Bachmann, M. (2015) Discussion Paper 2 – May 2015: Exploring how wetlands of the Northern Bakers Range Watercourse can benefit the Coorong Ramsar site through the SE Flows Restoration Project. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Bachmann, M. (2015) Restoring wetlands of the upper Wannon River floodplain, south-west Victoria. Wetlands Australia Magazine Issue #26, February 2015. Australian Government.

Bachmann, M.R., Dickson, C.R., and Sweeney, O. (2015) Karst Rising Springs Wetland Community Regional Action Plan in the South East of South Australia: 2015-2015. Report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Bachmann, M. & Holland, E. (2015). Protecting and Restoring Iconic Wetlands in Australia. National Wetlands Newsletter, Published by the Environmental Law Institute. Vol 37. Number 1. January/February 2015

Bourchier, J. (2015). Middle Island Little Penguin Monitoring Program 2014-15 Season Report. Report to the Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Group. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Chester, E.T., Robson, B.J., Miller, A.D., Valenzuela, I. & Wickson, S. (2015) Species traits, dispersal patterns and refuge use by six invertebrate species across a hydrologically variable landscape. Freshwater Biology, DOI:10.1111/fwb.12630.

Dickson C.R. (2015). Survey of Timberlands Pacific Pty. Ltd.’s Seasonal Wetlands in South Australia, October 2015.  Report to Timberlands Pacific Pty. Ltd.   NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Dickson, C.R. (2015). Translocation Plan for Dodonaea procumbens (trailing hopbush) in the South East of South Australia. A report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Dickson, C.R., Billows, C., Whiterod, N. & Bachmann, M. (2015) Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) Wetland Condition Assessments – Coorong sites, 2015. Report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Dickson, C.R., Farrington, L. & Bachmann, M. (2015). Spring 2014 Appendum to the Survey and Description of the Seasonal Herbaceous Wetlands (Freshwater) of the Temperate Lowland Plains of South East of South Australia. A report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia

Ellis, I., Whiterod, NS, Linklater, D, Bogenhuber, D, Brown, P, and Gilligan, D. (2015). Spangled perch (Leiopotherapon unicolor) in the southern Murray–Darling Basin: flood dispersal and short term persistence outside its core rangeAustral Ecology 40, 591-600.

Endo, Y., Nash, M., Hoffman, A.A., Slatyer, R. & Miller, A.D. (2015) Comparative phylogeography of alpine invertebrates indicates deep lineage diversification and historical refugia in the Australian Alps.Journal of Biogeography 42, 89-102

Farrington, L and Bachmann, M. (2015). Wetland conservation and restoration assessment for property under management by PF Olsen in western Victoria. Nature Glenelg Trust, Warrnambool, Victoria.

Hammer MP, Goodman TS, Adams M, Faulks LF, Unmack PJ, Whiterod NS, Walker KF (2015).Regional extinction, rediscovery and rescue of a freshwater fish from a highly modified environment: the need for rapid response. Biological Conservation 192,91-100.

Haywood, B.T., Bachmann, M., & Tuck, J., (2015). Eaglehawk Waterhole Heritage Agreement: Management and Restoration Plan. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Hill, M.P., Hoffmann, A.A., Umina, P.A., Cheng, X. & Miller, A.D. (2015) Genetic analysis across an invasion pathway of an economically important mite reveals endemic cryptic taxa but a single species with little genetic structure across its invasive range. Diversity and Distributions DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12385.

Miller, A., Bachmann, M., Farrington, L. & Veale, L. (2015) Permanently restoring upper Wannon River wetlands – 2015 Project Summary Report. Nature Glenelg Trust, Warrnambool, Victoria.

Tan, M.H., Gan, H.M., Gan, H.Y., Lee, Y.P., Croft, L.J., Schultz, M.B., Miller, A.D. & Austin, C.M. (2015) First comprehensive multi-tissue transcriptome of Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) reveals unexpected diversity of endogenous cellulase. Organisms Diversity and Evolution, DOI: 10.1007/s13127-015-0237-3.

Thompson, R. Haywood, B.T., & Dickson, C.R. (2015). Translocation Plan for five orchid species in the South East of South Australia. A report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia

Whiterod N. (2015). 2015 Mt Barker Creek fish monitoring. Letter of Report to the Goolwa to Wellington LAP. Aquasave – NGT, Goolwa Beach, South Australia.

Whiterod N. (2015). Baseline fish survey of Oaklands Wetland, December 2014. Letter of Report to the Marion Council. Aquasave – NGT, Goolwa Beach, South Australia.

Whiterod N (2015). River Torrens Water Quality Improvement Trial 2014-15 Fish Monitoring, autumn 2015. A report to the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board.’ Aquasave – NGT, Goolwa Beach.

Whiterod NS, Hammer MP, Vilizzi L (2015). Spatial and temporal variability in fish community structure in Mediterranean climate temporary streamsFundamental and Applied Limnology 187,135-150

Veale, L. (2015) Discovering the hidden secrets of the cryptic burrowing crayfish. Wetlands Australia Magazine Issue #26, February 2015. Australian Government.

Veale, L. & Bachmann, M. (2015). Wetland restoration assisting in the national recovery of dwarf galaxias. Wetlands Australia Magazine, Issue #27, August 2015. Australian Government.


Bachmann, M. (2014) Discussion Paper – December 2014: Ensuring adequate provision of water for Upper South East Wetlands as part of the South East Flows Restoration Project. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mt Gambier, South Australia.

Bachmann, M.  (2014) Restoration trial underway in Long Swamp, south-west Victoria. Wetlands Australia, Issue No 25, Page 37. Department of the Environment, Australian Government.

Bachmann, M. and Kivisalu, L. (2014) Gooseneck Swamp Restoration Trial 2013 – Project Summary Report. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mumbannar, Victoria.

Bachmann, M., Whiterod N., Anderson, D. & Veale, L. (2014) Regional status update of the dwarf galaxias (Galaxiella pusilla) in the South East of South Australia – Spring 2012-14. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Bice, C., Whiterod, N. and Zampatti, B. (2014). The Critical Fish Habitat Project: Assessment of reintroduction success of threatened species in the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region 2011-2014. South Australia Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide, South Australia.

Dickson C.R., Farrington L., & Bachmann M. (2014) Survey and description of the Seasonal Herbaceous Wetlands (Freshwater) of the Temperate Lowland Plains in the South East of South Australia  Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia.  Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Farrington, L. (2014) An update on wetland restoration on private land in South Australia and Victoria. Wetlands Australia Magazine. Issue 24, February 2014. Pages 28-29.

Haywood, B. (2014) Golden Sun Moth (Synemon plana): Results of a brief survey near Kyneton, Central Victoria. Report to Cassinia Environmental. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Kivisalu, L. (2014). Middle Island Little Penguin Monitoring Program 2013-2014 Season Summary Report. Report to Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Group. Nature Glenelg Trust, Warrnambool, Victoria.

McCarthy, B., Zukowski, S., Whiterod, N., Vilizzi, L., Beesley, L. & King, A. (2014). Hypoxic blackwater event severely impacts Murray crayfish (Euastacus armatus) populations in the Murray River, AustraliaAustral Ecology. doi: 10.1111/aec.12109.

Miller, A.D., Sweeney, O.F., Whiterod, N.S., Van Rooyen, A.R., Hammer, M., Weeks, A.R. (2014). Critically low levels of genetic diversity in fragmented populations of the endangered Glenelg spiny freshwater crayfish Euastacus bispinosus. Endangered Species Research. doi: 10.3354/esr00609.

Tuck, J. and Bachmann, M. (2014) CLLMM Vegetation Survivorship Monitoring (2013 Plantings). Report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. NGT Consulting, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Whiterod, N. (2014). River Torrens Water Quality Improvement Trial 2013-14: Fish Monitoring, autumn 2014. A report for the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach, South Australia.

Whiterod, N. (2014). Status of fish communities in the lower Mount Barker Creek. A report for the Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning (GWLAP) Association. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach, South Australia.

Whiterod, N.S., Sweeney, O.F., and Hammer, M.P. (2014). Assessing the status of a disjunct population of the endangered crayfish Euastacus bispinosus in a karst rising-spring habitat in southern AustraliaAquatic Conversation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystemsdoi: 10.1002/aqc.2478.

Veale, L., and Whiterod, N. (2014). Updated status assessment of fish communities in the Piccaninnie Ponds Karst Wetlands, South East of South Australia. A report to the SA Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach, South Australia.

Veale, L., Whiterod, N., Farrington, L. and Sweeney, O. (2014). Flow requirements of Glenelg spiny freshwater crayfish Euastacus bispinosus in the Glenelg River Catchment. A report to the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach, South Australia.


Anderson D., Bachmann, M. & Kivasalu L. (2013). Weed Survey of Priority Sites in the Bangham District . Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Anderson D., Farrington L., Bachmann M., Dean C., Bourchier J. (2013). Verification of Permanent Pools in Drains in the South East of South Australia. A report commissioned by the South East Management Board, Government of South Australia. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Bachmann, M  (2013). Progress on the restoration trial at Gooseneck Swamp – Grampians National Park, Victoria. For the Gooseneck Swamp Information Day – Saturday 14th December 2013. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Bachmann, M  (2013) Unravelling the story of change at Long Swamp, south-west Victoria. Wetlands Australia, Issue No 22, Page 33-34. Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Australian Government.

Bachmann M., Whiterod N., Farrington L. (2013). Long Swamp Fish and Frog Baseline Survey 2012. A report to the Glenelg Hopkins CMA. Aquasave  – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Baltais A. and Dickson C. (2013). Status of the Eared Worm-lizard (Aprasia aurita) in the South East of South Australia.  A report to the Nature Foundation SA.  Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Bice C., Whiterod N., Wilson P., Zampatti B., Hammer M. (2013). The Critical Fish Habitat Project: reintroductions of threatened fish species in the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region 2011-2013. SARDI Publication F2012/000348-2. SARDI Report Series No 697. South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), Adelaide.

Dickson C.R., Whiterod N., Bachmann M., Haywood B., Farrington L., Kivisalu L. (2013). Ecological Monitoring of Wetlands in the South East of South Australia 2012. Report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Aquasave Consultants and NGT Consulting, Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Dickson C.R., Bachmann M. and Farrington L. (2013) Tatiara Station Action Plan 2013. Report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. NGT Consulting, Nature Glenelg Trust – Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Hammer M. P., Bice C. M., Hall A., Frears A., Watt A., Whiterod N. S., Beheregaray L. B., Harris J. O., Zampatti B. (2013). Freshwater fish conservation in the face of critical water shortages in the southern Murray–Darling Basin, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 64, 807-821.

Kivisalu, L. (2013). Middle Island Little Penguin Monitoring Program Season 2012-13. Report to the Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Group. Nature Glenelg Trust, Mumbannar, Victoria.

Kivisalu, L. & Bachmann, M. (2013) Fox Management Strategy for the Protection of Breeding Seabird Colonies at Point Danger, Portland – Victoria. A report to the Point Danger Coastal Reserve Committee of Management, NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mumbannar, Victoria.

Kivisalu L., & Farrington L. (2013). Vegetation assessment of freshwater rising-springs in the lower southeast of SA. Report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, South Australia. NGT Consulting, Mount Gambier, Australia.

Miller A. D., Van Rooyen A., Sweeney O. F., Whiterod N. S., Weeks A. R. (2013). The development of 10 novel polymorphic microsatellite markers through next generation sequencing and a preliminary genetic analysis for the endangered Glenelg spiny crayfish, Euastacus bispinosus. Molecular Biology Reports 40, 4415-4419.

Thompson JR, Hay A, Bachmann M, Farrington L & Dickson C (2013). Verification of Karst and Cave Features in the Lower South East, South Australia. A report to the South East Natural Resources Management Board, NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust and South East Resource Information Centre, Mount Gambier, South Australia

Whiterod N. (2013). 2013 Mt Barker Creek fish monitoring. Letter of Report to the Goolwa to Wellington LAP. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach, South Australia.

Whiterod N., Hammer M. (2013). River Blackfish in Rodwell Creek, 2012-2013 update. Report to the Goolwa to Wellington LAP and South Australian Murray-Darling Basin NRM Board. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Goolwa Beach, South Australia.

Whiterod N. S. (2013). The swimming capacity of juvenile Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii): an ambush predator endemic to the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22, 117-126.

Whiterod N., Meredith S., Humphries P. (2013). Refining the activity component of a juvenile fish bioenergetics model to account for swimming costs. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 46, 201-210.

Veale, L., Whiterod N., & Bachmann, M. (2013) Reintroduction Feasibility Assessment and Action Plan for Yarra Pygmy Perch in the South East of South Australia. Report to the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. Aquasave – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Zukowski, S., Whiterod N., Watts, R. (2013). Comparing Murray crayfish (Euastacus armatus) population parameters between recreationally fished and non-fished areas. Freshwater Crayfish 19(2), 153-1600


Aquasave Consultants (2012). Floristic communities of ephemeral and temporary wetlands in the South East of South Australia. Report to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 34 p.

Bachmann, M  (2012) A partnership to restore wetlands on private land in South Australia and Victoria. Wetlands Australia, Issue No 21, Page 61. Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Australian Government.

Bice C., Whiterod N., Wilson P., Zampatti B., Hammer M. (2012). The Critical Fish Habitat Project: reintroductions of threatened fish species in the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region in 2011/12. SARDI Aquatic Sciences, Adelaide.

Cooling M., Whiterod N., Faast R., Hammer M., Walker S. (2012). Ecological monitoring of wetlands in the South East of South Australia 2011/12. Ecological Associates report AQ012?1?C prepared for Department of Water, South Australia.

Dickson C.R., Bachmann M.R. and Farrington L. (2012) Naracoorte Lucindale Council Roadside Survey, DEWNR Survey No. RV79 (Subset 1, May 2012).  Report to Naracoorte Lucindale Council, NGT Consulting, Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia.

Hammer M, Whiterod N (2012). Freshwater fish survey of southern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Report to Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 24 p.

Hammer M, Whiterod N, Barnes T, Tucker M (2012). Baseline fish survey and movement study of the Drain L Catchment, South Australia. Report to Department for Water, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 59 p.

Whiterod, N, & Hammer, M (2012) Conservation and Management of River Blackfish in Rodwell Creek, 2011-12. Report to the Foundation for Australia’s Most Endangered Species Ltd (FAME), Goolwa to Wellington LAP and the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin NRM Board.  Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 31 p.

Whiterod, N., Hammer, M. (2012). Population monitoring of Glenelg Spiny Crayfish (Euastacus bispinosus) in rising-spring habitats of lower south east, South Australia. Report to the Friends of Parks Inc. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 27 p.

Whiterod N., Sherman B. (2012). Environmental gradients along a lowland weir pool in the southern Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. River Research and Applications 28, 1680-1694.


Hammer, M., Whiterod, N., Tucker, M. (2011). Monitoring plan for freshwater fishes and crayfish in the Piccaninnie Coastal Wetland Complex, south east South Australia. Report to Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 25 p.

Hammer, M., and Tucker, M. (2011). Baseline study and community monitoring of Australian Mudfish in South East, South Australia. Report to Department for Water, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 35 p.

Hammer, M. (2011). Update on the status and recovery efforts for Yarra pygmy perch in South East, South Australia. Report to Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 36

2010 and prior

Relevant earlier publications by Aquasave Consultants (prior to becoming a trading name of Nature Glenelg Trust)

Hammer, M. (2010). Results of spring 2009 fish monitoring in Upper South East South Australia. Report to Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. p. 25.

Hammer M., Wedderburn S., van Weenan J. (2009). Action Plan for South Australian Freshwater Fishes. Native Fish Australia (SA) Inc., Adelaide. [note 22MB document]

Hammer, M., Piller, L., and Sortino, D. (2009). Identification and assessment of surrogate refuge dams as part of the Drought Action Plan for Lower Murray threatened fishes. Report to Department for Environment and Heritage, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 34 p.

Hammer M. (2009). Freshwater fish monitoring in the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges: environmental water requirements and tributary condition reporting for 2008 and 2009. Report to the SAMDB NRM Board. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide.

Hammer, M. (2009). Status assessment for nationally listed freshwater fishes of south east South Australia during extreme drought, spring 2008. Report to Department for Environment and Heritage, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 39 p.

Hammer, M. (2008). Pilot fish movement study in Lower South East, South Australia. Report to Department for Environment and Heritage, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 28 p.

Hammer, M. (2008). Aquatic survey of the Murray Bridge Army Range wetlands, South Australia. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 12 p.

Hammer, M., and Roberts, M. (2008). Distribution, status and conservation management of the Glenelg Spiny Crayfish (Euastacus bispinosus) in rising-spring wetland habitats of Lower South East, South Australia. Report to Department for Environment and Heritage, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 29 p.

Hammer, M. (2008). Status review of wild and captive Yarra pygmy perch in the Murray-Darling Basin. Report to Department for Environment and Heritage, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 27 p.

Hammer, M. (2007). Report of spring 2007 fish monitoring at the western Piccaninnie wetland complex, lower south east South Australia. Report to Department for Environment and Heritage, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 7 p.

Hammer, M. (2007). Data summary and 2006 performance of fish indicators for Environmental Water Requirements of the Marne River Catchment, South Australia. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 17 p.

Rowntree, J., and Hammer, M. (2007). Assessment of fishes, aquatic habitat and potential threats at the proposed location of the Wellington Weir, South Australia. Report to Department for Environment and Heritage, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 27 p.

Hammer, M. (2007). Status report on South Australian threatened freshwater fish populations during 2007 drought conditions. Report to Department for Environment and Heritage, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 20 p.

Hammer, M. (2007). Survey of nationally threatened fish species in the Mosquito Creek Catchment, South Eastern Australia. Report to Department for Environment and Heritage, South Australian Government. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 61 p.

Hammer, M. (2007). A preliminary population model for Mountain Galaxias in the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia based on 2002-2006 monitoring data. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 20 p.

Hammer, M. (2006). Report on stage one of the Southern Fleurieu fish inventory. Report to Department of Water Land and Biodiversity Conservation. Native Fish Australia Inc. and Aquasave, Adelaide. 44 p.

Hammer, M. (2006). Review of monitoring data for river blackfish in the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia: 2002-2006. Report to the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 32 p.

Hammer, M. (2006). Review and 2005 performance of fish indicators for Environmental Water Requirements of the Marne River Catchment, South Australia. Report to SAMDB NRM Board. Aquasave Consultants, Adelaide. 30 p.

Hammer M. (2004). Eastern Mount Lofty Fish Inventory: distribution and conservation of freshwater fishes of tributaries to the Lower River Murray, South Australia. Native Fish Australia (SA) Inc & River Murray Catchment Water Management Board, Adelaide.

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