NGT success in the SA State NRM Grants!

NGT success in the SA State NRM Grants!

Good news this week, with successful SA State NRM Grants being announced by SA Environment Minister Ian Hunter – please click here for more information on the program or here for the full list of successful projects in the current round.

It is great to be able to share with you that Nature Glenelg Trust has been awarded funding to deliver the following projects in the South East NRM region:

  • another series of Biodiversity “Up Close” Events in 2014
  • a community-based bat survey and monitoring project
  • a Yarra Pygmy Perch (threatened native fish) recovery project

A Nature Glenelg Trust media release announcing the grants awarded can be found here.

As these projects get underway over the coming months, we will keep you up to date (as always!) via our website.

The Yarra Pygmy Perch, one of the most threatened species of native freshwater fish that occurs in the South East region

Up Close events will be back in 2014!

Mark Bachmann