Brolgas return again to Scale Swamp: A taste of what we hope to see at Walker Swamp in the future…
Back in January this year, Lachie wrote this great summary article about the restoration of Scale Swamp and the subsequent return of Brolga and other waterbirds to the site. Nature Glenelg Trust restored Scale Swamp in 2013 with the support of the the landowner, Dunkeld Pastoral Co., with grant funding provided by the Australian Government.
Lachie keeps an eye on this very interesting spot (just south of Dunkeld) during his travels around the region for work, and can report that he has continued to see Brolga there in 3 out of his last 4 visits.
While most of the time he has observed 2-3 birds, back in January this year the site supported a flock of 16 birds, which was a spectacular site!
Then as recently as yesterday, Lachie managed to capture this great shot of a pair still at Scale Swamp – let’s hope they are looking at the site as a potential place to nest!
Considered that Scale Swamp, in its previously drained condition, hadn’t provided suitable habitat for Brolga in decades, the return of the species is really tremendous news.
Brolga are just one of the species that we hope to benefit through restoring the wetlands at Walker Swamp, and as we are already regularly seeing birds in and around the main wetland (i.e. at least 4 pairs in the area so far influenced by the restoration trial), we are expecting that the species will really appreciate it when we start to restore the balance of the floodplain wetlands across the rest of the 1000 acre property!
If you’d like to help us restore the Walker Swamp floodplain for Brolga and our other species of waterbirds, you can donate by following the link below: