Wetlands Working Group meeting in Hamilton

Wetlands Working Group meeting in Hamilton

On Wednesday I spent the day with the Victorian Wetlands Working Group, which has representatives from agencies with an interest in wetlands from across Victoria, in a meeting hosted by the Glenelg Hopkins CMA.

Given the topic for the day was wetland re-instatement, I was given the opportunity to share some examples of wetland restoration that I am familiar with from the South East NRM region in South Australia. Importantly, these examples illustrate the sort of activities Nature Glenelg Trust is now actively encouraging (and seeking funding to support) in both Victoria and South Australia on public and private land.

The group also heard from Michelle Casanova, an aquatic flora specialist, who spoke about the recovery potential of wetlands from soil seed-bank studies she has been involved in over many years.

To top the day off, we were fortunate to be hosted by the Gunditj Mirring Aboriginal Corporation, the traditional owners at Lake Condah – where we were given the chance to see the impact of recent works to restore water to Lake Condah, through the construction of a weir and fish-way on the Lake Condah drain.

What a great example of a wide range of people coming together and achieving something very positive for the community, a unique cultural site and this significant wetland environment.

Lake Condah Drain Weir

Lake Condah Wetlands



Mark Bachmann