Common reptiles out and about…

Common reptiles out and about…

Now that we are well and truly into spring and the days are that little bit warmer, over the past few weeks the number of casual observations of common reptiles getting out and about as you drive around the region has definitely picked up.

The other day, we spotted this Bearded Dragon up in the Bangham district – as you often do – sitting on the top of a gate-post!

The Bearded Dragon

This increase in spring activity also resulted in a few chance captures of reptiles during the recent Heath Mouse survey in the Caroline forest area a couple of weeks ago. Although not specifically targeting reptiles, we managed to capture 2 Blotched Blue-tongues and 4 Shinglebacks – including the rare observation of a happy couple together in one cage!

The Blotched Blue-tongue


Two Shinglebacks in one cage – captured during the recent Heath Mouse survey in the Caroline forest

Mark Bachmann