Turning NGT’s ideas into action – all thanks to you!

With the end of financial year behind us, it is wonderful to be able to reflect on how our supporters have jumped on board once again, and are backing NGT’s work and our vision for the landscape. We thank everyone who very kindly made donations over recent weeks, and are pleased to share with you how those funds will be put to good use.

Walker Swamp: it seems that many of you agree some practical improvements to the site at Walker Swamp will create a valuable hub for volunteers, staff, students and supporters. 

Thanks to everyone who contributed, we’re now in a position to get the ball rolling on the first stage of our new facilities. In keeping with the NGT approach – the plan isn’t a fancy one! We are planning to install a multi-purpose shed, rainwater tank and accessible toilets. These basics will provide a place where groups can gather year round regardless of the weather. This popular and important reserve has always been a wonderful place for learning, volunteering and working and will be even more so with these additions.

We will keep you posted as the plans become reality, and we very much look forward to welcoming everyone to the site when it’s complete. 

Walker Swamp is home to many majestic river red gums. Photo: Paula Thomson.

NGT Tractor: a very good friend of NGT (who wishes to remain anonymous) has funded the purchase of a small, versatile tractor for use on NGT’s Reserves. 

Those of you who have followed our progress for some time will understand the value of this kind of practical asset! Where previously we have used contractors and hired gear for tasks like track maintenance, we will now manage our Reserves without these extra costs and logistics. 

The NGT team is immensely buoyed to receive such a generous and insightful gift, and we send our deepest thanks.

NGT Foundation: the NGT Foundation also received several contributions of extra funding recently, thanks to donors who take a very long view of how they can help sustain NGT’s impact over the long-term. 

Foundation funds are held in perpetuity, currently in an accumulation phase, and will eventually result in an annual endowment to create a long-term, sustainable revenue stream for NGT. We look forward to the time when the Foundation grows to a level where our operations can be supported from this income stream.

Land Purchase: thanks also to the many people who have contributed to our modest but growing land purchase fund, which is held in readiness for helping turn our next strategic land purchase opportunity into a reality. 

To close, we welcomed many new friends to NGT during 2021/2022, and we’re incredibly grateful to have you walk alongside our team. Your support makes this work possible, and energises us to continue with our approach to restoring and protecting the special places we all value.

Paula Thomson