Permanent restoration works commence at Gooseneck Swamp

Permanent restoration works commence at Gooseneck Swamp

After two successful years of the Gooseneck Swamp restoration trial, and given the dry spring which has made equipment access feasible, it is great to be able to report that works got underway last week to permanently reinstate the lunette bank between Gooseneck and Brady Swamps by simply back-filling the artificial drain.

Adam Miller, who is managing the project for NGT sent through a couple of images for us of the initial progress of the earthworks undertaken by contractors and Parks Victoria; noting that the rest of the work will be completed in early 2015.

Looking down the drain toward Brady Swamp: The trial sandbag structure about to be swamped by earth and become part of the permanently reinstated bank

Later in the day, looking towards Gooseneck Swamp: The ridge of the bank is back in place and crossed by a vehicle for the first time in 60 years.

Mark Bachmann