Our People

We are a non-political, not-for-profit organisation; formed, governed, operated and supported by people that have a deep commitment to south-eastern Australia and are passionate about delivering on ground results.
Mark Bachmann - Head and Shoulders Photo - April 2023

Mr Mark Bachmann, Managing Director / Founder

Mark has extensive knowledge of south-eastern Australian ecosystem ecology, threatening processes and prioritisation of on-ground works. He has a particular passion for small mammal ecology, private land conservation, wetland restoration, and the design / implementation of novel conservation programs. Mark has worked in the region since 1996, including management and delivery of on-ground, research and education based ecological programs.

Mark is based at Mumbannar (Vic) and Mt Gambier (SA).

Email: Mark Bachmann

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Mrs Carmen Bliss, Business Operations Manager

Carmen has an extensive background in administration, project management, and business management. Carmen is passionate about not-for-profit organisations, sustainability, the environment and has a love for our coastlines and diverse ecological systems. When not on the job for NGT, Carmen can be found out in the paddock tending to her horses with her daughter Anna and son Harry, or at local live music supporting her husband’s band.

Carmen is based in Mount Gambier (SA).

Email: Carmen Bliss


Ms Jess Bourchier, Project Ecologist

Jess developed her passion for the environment, and in particular our spectacular coast and marine systems, while growing up in the South East (SA). Jess has been the coordinator of the Port MacDonnell Reef Watch since 2010, allowing her to follow her coast and marine passion while working with community members, and is also currently coordinating Orange-bellied Parrot surveys in south-western Victoria.

Jess is based in Mt Gambier (SA).

Email: Jess Bourchier


Mr John Bradford, Grassland Restoration Ecologist

John is an experienced ecological restoration practitioner specialising in managing grassland remnants on the Victorian Volcanic Plain and salt marsh wetlands along the western shoreline of Port Phillip Bay. Projects he has been involved in delivering include the Sunshine Diuris long-term Recovery Plan for DEECA and the Saltmarsh Protection Project for Parks Victoria. He enjoys holidaying with his family in the Grampians (Gariwerd) where he first encountered NGT at Walker Swamp. John is currently focused on the Mt Vandyke (Banbangil) Grassland Restoration Project.

John is based in Melbourne (Vic) on the far eastern edge of the basalt plain.

Email: John Bradford


Dr Lauren Brown, Aquatic Ecologist

Lauren has a research background in fisheries biology and estuarine fish ecology, undertaking work throughout Victoria and Western Australia. Lauren now applies her knowledge to assist in wetland restoration monitoring activities in the South East of South Australia and western Victoria, as well as working with community groups to restore populations of threatened native fauna.

Lauren is based in Warrnambool (Vic).

Email: Lauren Brown


Dr Ayesha Burdett, Senior Wetland Ecologist

Ayesha is a freshwater ecologist who has worked in the rivers and wetlands in Australia and the USA, studying the ecology of biological communities of seasonal wetlands, arid-land rivers and farming landscapes. She is interested in the historical and current human impacts on local environments and understanding the ecological outcomes of restoration projects. Ayesha enjoys working in collaboration with others and specialises in communicating technical scientific information. Prior to returning to Australia in 2018, Ayesha worked as the Director of Collections and Research at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science.

Email: Ayesha Burdett

Richard Crew - NGT

Mr Richard Crew, Financial Controller (Honorary)

Richard generously volunteers his time to manage Nature Glenelg Trust finances, payroll and accounts, and advises the NGT Board on fiduciary matters. He ensures that the organisation meets its obligations under Australian Accounting Standards, the requirements set by the Australian Not-for-profits and Charities Commission, the Australian Taxation Office and the Register for Environmental Organisations, as well as coordinating the independent external annual audit of NGT accounts. As a retired Executive Accountant and former State Manager for large companies in the private sector, he brings a wealth of professional financial management expertise.

Richard is based in Adelaide (SA).

Paul Drummond

Mr Paul Drummond, Senior Field Technician

Paul has worked as an ecologist for 10 years, gaining extensive field experience in remote areas across South Australia and has also spent 10 years in the aquaculture industry breeding native fish and crustaceans. Paul is a keen recreational fisherman and is passionate about conservation of Australian freshwater native fish in the river Murray, as well as creeks, rivers and reservoirs in South Australia and interstate.

Paul is based in SA.


Ms Regina Durbridge, Southern Bell Frog Facility Coordinator

Prior to joining NGT, Regina has gained diverse experience working with volunteers and landholders in various monitoring projects in the Lower Lakes region since 2009 through her role with the Goolwa to Wellington LAP. Regina formally joins the team to support the community with the Clayton Bay Southern Bell Frog Facility, having been involved in the initial planning with project founders Peter & Mia Mirtschin and the Clayton Bay Nursery and Environment Group in 2016.

Regina is based at Goolwa (SA).

Email: Regina Durbridge

Lachlan Farrington

Dr Lachlan Farrington, Principal Ecologist

Lachlan has a research background in landscape genetics, and since 2007 has developed specialised applied ecological experience with a range of technical tools (GIS, remote sensing, data-logger and field ecological data interpretation, etc.) to deliver science-based, on-ground environmental outcomes. In 2022 he was appointed to a key scientific leadership role in NGT as our Principal Ecologist. Lachlan has extensive experience in NRM planning, field and technical ecological studies and group facilitation, enabling him to lead complex wetland restoration projects, eco-hydrological investigations and landscape planning tasks.

Lachlan is based in Warrnambool (Vic).

Email: Lachlan Farrington


Mr Bryan Haywood, Senior Ecologist

Bryan has worked professionally as an ecologist in the South East region of South Australia since 1995. He has expertise in a range of natural history fields and has worked on a significant number of native vegetation, wildlife, monitoring, environmental education and on-ground works projects, across both public and private land. Bryan has a particular passion for ornithology and entomology, to complement his all round ecological skills.

Bryan is based in Mt Gambier (SA).

Email: Bryan Haywood


Mrs Toni Haywood, Administration Support

Toni has worked in administration for the past 20 years. Toni enjoys the outdoors and is often sighted volunteering in the field for NGT with her husband Bryan, our Senior Ecologist, and their two boys Henry & Ned. She also enjoys being in their native garden at home, keeping active and spending time with family.

Toni is based in Mt Gambier (SA).

Email: Toni Haywood

Melissa Herpich (NGT)

Mrs Melissa Herpich, Ecological Programs Manager / 2IC

Melissa has a wealth of experience working across the Limestone Coast (SA) and Glenelg Hopkins (Vic) regions developing and managing large-scale biodiversity conservation programs. In 2022, she stepped into a new leadership role with NGT to provide increased management support to projects and staff, and work closely with our partners. Like many staff within NGT Melissa has a particular interest in wetlands and their restoration, and has a track-record of leading and delivering on-ground outcomes for the environment.

Melissa is based in Warrnambool (Vic).

Email: Melissa Herpich

Scott Huntley

Mr Scott Huntley, Aquatic Ecologist

Scott has worked in freshwater ecosystems across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia before settling in north-western Victoria focussing on freshwater fishes, particularly threatened species. Scott has a broad research background including long-term monitoring programs, laboratory research, on-ground restoration works, threatened species translocation and recovery, research feasibility, and stakeholder engagement in both the public and private sector.

Scott is based in Mildura (Vic).

Email: Scott Huntley

Sheryl Holliday - NGT

Ms Sheryl Holliday, Field Works Officer

Sheryl grew up in the South East and loves to get out in the bush when ever she can, including through her field-based role with NGT. She is passionate about native orchids in the region, and has been involved in various surveys for them over the past 10 years.

Sheryl is based in Mount Gambier (SA).

Ange - staff page

Ms Angela Jones, Nursery Coordinator

Angela is a lifelong gardener who developed a love for native plants. She has extensive experience working with children in biodiversity and nursery programs. Ange is also a keen birder and enjoys outings with BirdLife around the region.

Ange is based in Mt Gambier (SA).

Email: Angela Jones

Leah Kemp

Dr Leah Kemp, Senior Threatened Species Ecologist

Leah has a background with on-ground conservation projects, including coordinating threatened species translocation projects across multiple states of Australia. Leah has coordinated projects for numerous species, such as  the Bilby, Numbat, Rufous-hare Wallaby, Brush-tailed Bettong, Bridled Nail-tail Wallaby, and Bush-stone Curlew. This has involved all aspects of project management from feasibility and planning, logistics, internal and external (stakeholder) liaison, human and animal welfare (such disease risk assessment), science and monitoring, licencing/permitting, and reporting.

Leah was born and raised in Mil-Lel, near Mount Gambier, and is now based in Adelaide (SA).

Email: Leah Kemp

Greg Kerr (NGT)

Dr Greg Kerr, Senior Ecologist

Greg has a research background in Behavioural Ecology and Spatial Ecology. He has developed a broad ecological knowledge through wide ranging experience working as a consultant in a variety of terrestrial and wetland roles both across Australia and internationally. Greg has joined NGT following five years as a Landscape Ecologist on Eyre Peninsula. He is skilled in Natural Resource Management, raising environmental awareness, wetlands, development of citizen science programs, fauna monitoring and habitat requirements, and environmental policy. Greg is also an award winning secondary teacher who loves to involve and empower community members in ecological monitoring and natural history.

Greg is based in Hamilton (Vic).

Email: Greg Kerr

Justine Latton (NGT)

Mrs Justine Latton, Field Technician

Justine grew up in New Zealand’s South Island and moved to Tasmania in 2000, where she now lives with her family. She has worked in freshwater ecology for twenty years, with a particular bent for field and laboratory work. She finds restoration work particularly satisfying and enjoys linking field surveys and data with recommendations for on-site protection of conservation values. “Waterbugs” are also of special interest for Justine.

Justine is based in Hobart (Tas).

Maiko Lutz

Dr Maiko Lutz, Ecologist – Species Assessments

Maiko has a background in threatened species management and has worked for numerous conservation organisations such as the IUCN Red List Unit and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. At NGT, she will be focusing on the Species Expert Assessment Plans Project for Australian Freshwater Fish. She is also currently enrolled as a PhD student at Monash University where she is investigating the effectiveness of current conservation actions in freshwater fish recovery in Australia.

Maiko is based in Adelaide (SA).

Email: Maiko Lutz

Lisa McIntyre

Ms Lisa McIntyre, Partnerships and Community Coordinator

Lisa grew up in Melbourne, then went to Longerenong Agricultural College and worked for the Agriculture Department before farming sheep and beef with her husband at Karabeal, Victoria. They are both heavily involved in Landcare, with Lisa working as a Landcare facilitator alongside her part-time role as NGT’s Partnerships and Community Coordinator.

Lisa is based in Karabeal (Vic).

Email: Lisa McIntyre

John Nixon

Mr John Nixon, Southern Bell Frog Technician

John Nixon has kept and raised frogs and fish as a hobbyist for twenty years. Since moving to Clayton Bay five years ago he became aware of the decline of the Southern Bell Frog and discovered NGT’s work with the species. John originally commenced as a volunteer at the Southern Bell Frog facility at Clayton Bay and is now employed to assist in the daily running of the facility.

John is based in Clayton Bay (SA).

Taylar Pay

Mr Taylar Pay, Field Ecologist

Taylar has worked for over 10 years as an ecologist in the freshwater research industry. Working on a range of projects including threatened fish, vegetation assessments, long-term monitoring and community engagement. Taylar has a keen interest in the environment, and what can be done through on-ground works, and the involvement of traditional owners and the broader community. Taylar has delivered a Conservation and Ecosystem Management course through the local TAFE and believes in knowledge sharing as a key to management success. When Taylar is not working on projects you will find him either on the Baseball Diamond or fishing for the elusive Murray Cod.

Taylar is based in Mildura (VIC).

Email: Taylar Pay

tessa ngt

Ms Tessa Roberts, Wetland Ecologist

Tessa has an honours degree from the University of Adelaide, with her research investigating Phragmites australis in Black Swamp on the Fleurieu Peninsula. She is now assisting NGT with our work in Fleurieu Swamps and other wetland restoration projects.

Tessa is based in Adelaide (SA).

Email: Tessa Roberts


Mr Angus Samson, Field Works Officer

Angus grew up amongst stringybark woodland in Millicent. Having worked as a mechanical fitter for many years, he decided to study Conservation and Land Management after he became fascinated with native plants, bush food and medicine, and conservation. He enjoys getting out in the bush as much as possible with his son.

Angus is based in Mt Gambier (SA).

Tom Sheehan

Mr Tom Sheehan, Field Works Officer

Tom grew up in south-west Victoria and is now raising his young family there. He is passionate about natural resource management, holistic weed control, and native revegetation. Tom has a background in plumbing engineering and construction, and has reskilled in conservation and land management. Tom loves to get his hands dirty, walking through the scrub treating invasive weeds and caring for the environment.

Tom is based in Port Fairy (Vic).

Bec Sheldon

Ms Rebecca Sheldon, Senior Wetland Ecologist

Bec has worked in freshwater ecology across Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, in various roles within both the private and public sectors for the past 20 years. She undertook Honours research into Brolga flocking habitats in Victoria and South Australia and has had an enduring love of south eastern Australian wetlands ever since. Bec has worked on wetlands, rivers, floodplains and groundwater dependent ecosystems, from on-ground monitoring and assessment, through to policy development, planning and management. Bec is currently focussed on the assessment and restoration of the Apsley Marshes and Moulting Lagoon Ramsar sites on the east coast of Tasmania.

Bec is based in Hobart (Tas).

Email: Bec Sheldon

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Mr Ben Taylor, Senior Wetland Ecologist

Ben has been working on wetland conservation, restoration, monitoring and management issues since 2004, across the government, private and NGO sectors. He has worked extensively in the South East of SA, preparing the Lower South East wetland inventory in 2006, and contributing to several wetland restoration projects in the region since that time. He has also worked closely with Aboriginal communities of the lower River Murray, Lower Lakes, Coorong and South East regions on a number of wetland restoration projects. Recently Ben has been focussed on restoration of the critically endangered Fleurieu Peninsula Swamps ecological community and on saltmarsh restoration in Port Phillip Bay.

Ben is based in Adelaide (SA).

Email: Ben Taylor

Rose Thompson

Ms Rose Thompson, Project Ecologist

Rose grew up in South East SA and has always loved the natural areas our region offers, especially her family’s bush block and the coast. She has a particular passion for bats and has worked with Chiroptera in Australia, Mexico, and Honduras. Rose has diverse experience in environmental education which she believes in the key to effective conservation.

Rose is based in Mt Gambier (SA), and is currently on maternity leave.

Email: Rose Thompson

Jonathan Tuck

Mr Jonathan Tuck, Senior Ecologist

Jonathan has worked as an ecologist across a broad range of projects in South-East SA and South-West Victoria since 2013. He has particular experience in flora and fauna monitoring, native vegetation management and ecological restoration, and has a strong interest in grassland and wetland restoration and on-ground works. Jonathan has a prior professional career in software engineering.

Jonathan is based in Nelson (Vic).

Email: Jonathan Tuck

Emma Vanderzon

Ms Emma Vanderzon, Field Technician

Emma is a postgraduate student at Flinders University researching shorebird populations and foraging behaviour on beaches along the southern Fleurieu peninsula, specifically Oystercatchers and Terns. As well as experience working with terrestrial birds at Cleland Wildlife Park, her passion for aquatic environments and marine science has led to fieldwork with the Encounter Bay Right Whale Study and freshwater fish surveys with NGT.

Emma is based in Adelaide (SA).


Ms Rosemary Wilson, Field Works Officer

Rosemary grew up on a local farm and as a child dreamt of being involved in conservation and land management. After her four children were grown, she returned to study and began working towards this dream. Prior to joining NGT, she worked for five years in south-west Victoria as a Team Leader carrying out weed management and revegetation programs. She enjoys working with people in the bush, seeing others and the landscape change as a result of research and hard work, and collaboratively achieved outcomes. Her passions are knowledge sharing and continuous learning while working in the field.

Rosemary is based in Portland (Vic).

Email: Rosemary Wilson

Cory Young

Mr Cory Young, Field Technician – Aquatic Ecology

Cory has had a passion for all animals, especially native fish which started when he undertook an aquaculture class working with the Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon at Urrbrae Agricultural High School. Cory has a wide range of expertise and experience including Murray Crayfish surveys, fish breeding and reintroduction programs for endangered native fish species and fish identification and field surveys. Outside of his work with NGT, Cory also runs an aquarium equipment business and works as a professional snake catcher.

Cory assists with projects managed by our staff based in Victor Harbor (SA).


Dr Sylvia Zukowski, Senior Aquatic Ecologist

Sylvia has worked in natural resource management and conservation, scientific research, community science and social science since 2002. Sylvia has also focussed on the links between the community, science and natural resource management. Sylvia has vast experience in consulting with and presenting to community, school, government, scientific and media groups and organising and running community education activities and stakeholder workshops.

Sylvia is based in Victor Harbor (SA).

Email: Sylvia Zukowski

The voluntary Board of Nature Glenelg Pty Ltd, the Trustee for Nature Glenelg Trust, oversees the activities of the Trust, to ensure the organisation is managed according to its not-for-profit charter, to benefit our regional environment and community.

As well as setting the strategic direction for NGT, our Board fulfils the legal requirements of a Committee of Management under the NGT Deed of Trust, as required to meet DGR (tax-deductibility) requirements under Australian taxation law.

The Nature Glenelg Trust Board in September 2023 (L-R): Todd Burger, Cecilia Myers, Ann McGregor OAM and Mark Bachmann.

Mr. Mark Bachmann

Managing Director & Founder / Board Member

Mrs. Ann McGregor OAM

Director / Board Chair

Ms. Cecilia Myers

Director / Board Member

Mr. Todd Burger

Director / Board Member

Mrs. Carmen Bliss

Board Secretary