How NGT Works

Nature Glenelg Trust is a little different to most organisations in the environment sector. We are a community environmental NGO, a team of applied-science professionals and an environmental charity – all in one.


As a registered not-for-profit community environmental organisation, Nature Glenelg Trust seeks government and non-government grants to deliver practical, pragmatic, science-based action to benefit nature.

We seek investment for biodiversity projects to direct action to where it is needed, by identifying and filling gaps, and working closely with landholders and local communities to deliver results on the ground for our environment.

The audience at the Tookayerta Catchment Assessment technical workshop at Mt Barker on the 13th of April 2017 - at this point, talking about the logistics of wetland restoration.
Surveying in the new regulator


Nature Glenelg Trust provides a wide range of professional ecological services, to assist our partners and clients with research, monitoring or conservation management projects. These services also provide an important financial contribution to support the costs of running our not-for-profit organisation and in supporting our wider purpose.

In keeping with our organisational charter, we are selective about the projects and clients we choose to work with, with a focus on projects where outcomes are unquestionably positive for the environment.

We have expertise in all aspects of applied ecology, including but not limited to:

  • flora, fauna and native vegetation surveys;
  • threatened species survey, management and recovery planning;
  • strategic environmental weed management planning and prioritisation;
  • site assessments and action planning for a range of threats to native habitat;
  • wetland classification, monitoring and management;
  • wetland ecohydrology, history and restoration planning;
  • supervision of on-ground wetland restoration works;
  • designing and delivering environmental education programs;
  • management of more complex integrated environmental programs;
  • working with landholders to achieve pragmatic, practical results for the environment.


Nature Glenelg Trust is a registered charity with the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission). For publicly listed information about NGT’s operations and finances, you can visit the ACNC website here, and you can review all of NGT’s past annual reports on our website here.

NGT is also approved by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient, which means that donations of money, property or shares will enable us to generate an ATO compliant receipt – please note that all donations over $2 are tax deductible.