Attracting Butterflies to your Garden – book available now from NGT

Attracting Butterflies to your Garden – book available now from NGT

Another excellent book is available for purchase from the NGT office in Mt Gambier –

Attracting Butterflies to your Garden: What to Grow and Conserve in the Adelaide Region. 

This beautifully presented full-colour book is packed with information about butterfly gardening. While the title is specific to Adelaide, most of the plant and butterfly species are also relevant to our focal region all the way from Adelaide to Melbourne. This book, published by the Butterfly Conservation Society of South Australia, contains detailed information about nearly 40 butterfly species and the important plants for their life-cycle. It is available for purchase at the special price of $20 (RRP$29.95), and would make a great addition to any home or school library, whether your interest is in insects, native plants, or gardening.


A reminder that we also have Plants of the Great South West, and Native Eucalypts of South Australia available for purchase at special prices. Contact the office (08 8797 8596) to arrange your copy!



Rose Thompson