Butterfly garden workshop a success at Naracoorte
The Cross-border Community Nursery recently partnered with Natural Resources South East to deliver a professional development workshop to teachers on creating butterfly-attracting gardens. The workshop, held in Naracoorte which was also open to the public, drew attendees from all over the South East as far afield as Millicent and Glenburnie, and also from Victoria with one party travelling over from Apsley.
Bryan Haywood spoke first about the butterflies which can be seen in the South East, followed by Yvonne Riley who illustrated the essential ingredients in a butterfly garden.
Many of the attendees had ordered Butterfly Garden Starter Kits which were available for pick up on the day and included 20 native plants and an information pack. The kits proved popular with stock selling out and many orders taken for another batch!
Thank you to all who attended, and especially to the Naracoorte North Kindergarten for hosting us.