National Landcare Programme

Last month I was privileged to be invited as a speaker at the 2019 South Australian Landcare Conference in Bordertown. This year the theme was “Landcare Unearthed – Celebrating Diversity, Managing Landscapes”, and the three-day event brought together people from all around South Australia and the...

This year we have been delivering an Australasian Bittern habitat restoration project which is supported by Glenelg Hopkins CMA, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. A few months ago I wrote a short article about works we had undertaken at Aringa North,...

The Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciliptilus) is a key bird of dense swamps in south-west Victoria and south-east South Australia, but it is also Nationally Endangered.  Bitterns like to hide out in wetlands with tall dense vegetation and forage in still, shallow water. They are so...

Beginning in September 2018, Greg taught a Bird Monitoring Course to 30 keen participants in Dunkeld. Once a week for ten weeks Lu-Wei and I travelled to Dunkeld for the course and to undertake various flora and fauna monitoring tasks at Walker Swamp. Each session started...

[caption id="attachment_31124" align="alignleft" width="280"] Year 8 students from Good Shepherd College are exploring the world of tiny waterbugs.[/caption] Greg and Nicole recently hosted Year 7 and 8 students from Good Shepherd College in Hamilton in a visit to Walkers Swamp for an educational adventure. After an...

Over 8000 plants made their way into the ground recently after four days of planting by NGT staff and volunteers at two sites. Over 50 individuals were involved in the planting events at Eaglehawk Waterhole and Mount Burr Swamp Restoration Reserves. Seedlings were produced by...

We’re still in the midst of planting season, and in the next couple of weeks NGT will be undertaking a translocation of the nationally threatened Avenue Cassinia (Cassinia tegulata) as part of the RUEC project (to follow on from threatened orchid and Trailing Hop-bush translocations we...