
We have two exciting workshops coming up in the next few weeks which we would love you to be involved in!   How to Create a Butterfly Garden Thursday, 20 November, 4-6pm Community Nursery, Vansittart Park, Mount Gambier [caption id="attachment_8440" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Shouldered Brown Heteronympha penelope[/caption] Do you remember seeing...

[caption id="attachment_8408" align="alignright" width="300"] The mound monitoring team at Gum Lagoon[/caption] I have just returned from a few days out with Vicki Natt monitoring malleefowl mounds as part of the annual grid monitoring program. This activity is considered a key component of the South East Regional...

Nature Glenelg Trust welcomes you or your group to be part of voluntary on-ground environmental action in the South East of SA or western Victoria: Cross-border Community Nursery If you care about the environment and would like to make a valuable contribution to the conservation of rare...

The early signs were certainly there, but there is now little doubt that summer has come early this year and, unlike last year, spring rains have completely gone missing. So we find ourselves in the situation where (in the last couple of weeks) the Wannon River...