Closing out a massive year for NGT, with the last batch of blogs for 2016…

Well I’m not entirely sure where the last 12 months have gone, but we’ve certainly seen a lot of action here at NGT!

During that time we’ve welcomed a new team member in Pat (a great addition to the crew), said sad farewells to long-term employees Cath and Yvonne, and will soon welcome the second “NGT baby”, with Jess closing in on her maternity leave start date.

Sometimes I wonder how we get through everything we’re trying to tackle – but somehow we always find a way! – and that is only because of the dedication and commitment of a great bunch of people that are always willing to help each other and work extremely hard – making every day count. In addition to our tireless and dedicated staff, we’ve had another amazing year of support from Richard Crew, our Hononary (voluntary) Financial Controller, and a number of other incredible volunteers. For just a few examples, these are people like Andy, Fred and their crew of helpers doing great things up at Eaglehawk, the irrepressible Gordon who transformed the Mt Burr Swamp shearing shed, and Dane and Tom tackling a heap of native fish work with Lauren V.

Finally, thanks to everyone else out there for being part of our story this year. Whether you are a landowner who works with us to improve habitat on your farm, have helped volunteer on a threatened species survey, come to one of our events, donated to the Mt Burr Swamp or Brolga fundraisers, or, just read and enjoy our email newsletters – we feel really privileged to have you join us on this journey.

The blogs will go quiet for a few weeks now until the New Year, so I hope you have a happy, relaxing and safe Christmas with your families.

All the best,

Mark Bachmann, on behalf of the Staff and Committee of Nature Glenelg Trust.


Merry Christmas from everyone at NGT!

Mark Bachmann