Dig in at the Lake Linlithgow working bee! Saturday June 20, 1-4pm
For those who are up for getting their hands dirty in the name of conservation, there will be a working bee next Saturday June 20 from 1-4pm at Lake Linlithgow (Jenawarra), 20min east of Hamilton, Vic.
Over the last year, NGT has been delivering a conservation project at the lake, funded by the Victorian Environmental Partnership Program (VEPP) program with support from the Hamilton Field Naturalists Club. The focus is on monitoring and conservation of nationally-listed Poa sallacustris (Salt-lake Tussock-grass) habitat, which is under threat from invasive weeds including Spiny Rush, Tall Wheat Grass, Phalaris and African Boxthorn.
Lake Linlithgow is of much interest as a refuge for migratory waterbirds, and for the presence of some rare flora species in mostly agricultural surrounds. The Hamilton Field Naturalist Club have been involved with the lake since 1958, and have compiled a fascinating account of its history and natural values across the years (Bird, Clarke & Gunn 2008), available here (11 Mb).
Tasks on the 20th are focussed on weed-busting, and may include searching for Spiny Rush seedlings, cutting and swabbing of small boxthorn, brushcutting Tall Wheat Grass and Phalaris and using handheld GPS units to mark weeds.
If you’re keen to lend a hand and check out the lake, come along and join the crew for some bushcare and afternoon tea. Tools such as secateurs, loppers or brushcutters are always welcome and bring sturdy boots, gloves, hat and sunscreen (let’s be optimistic!).
Contact Jonathan for more details at or call 0402 6633 63.