Display garden update – Swan Reserve

Display garden update – Swan Reserve

Kevin Sparrow of the Australian Plant Society recently sent us a few photos of the Biodiversity Bed his group, together with NGT and the Warrnambool City Council created last year. Despite a few losses, overall the garden is looking good one year on with many plants putting on vigorous growth and several flowering at the moment.

The garden is one of eight display gardens showcasing the plants of their local areas around the South East and South West (more info here). Thanks for the photos Kevin!

Swan Reserve Biodiversity Bed one year after planting (K. Sparrow)

Chocolate Lilies in flower (K. Sparrow)

Hop Goodenia (K. Sparrow)

Native Hollyhock – not to be confused with the weedy lookalike! (K. Sparrow)

A stunning Patersonia in flower (K. Sparrow)

Grass Trigger-plant (K. Sparrow)



Rose Thompson