Fantastic news for the NGT Foundation – establishment of the Moore Family Fund
In some tremendous news for the NGT Foundation, we are delighted to announce that a new named fund has been established thanks to the ongoing support of the family of Bill and Kate Moore. The Moore family are the previous owners and donors of NGT’s Kurrawonga Conservation Reserve in Nelson, Victoria.
With the establishment of the Moore Family Fund, it is fitting that we hear few words from the family themselves:
The Moore family is pleased to support the NGT Foundation. NGT shares the values of our parents/grandparents, Bill and Kate Moore, who were passionate in their love of Kurrawonga and in their support for local conservation efforts, and the values they passed on to subsequent generations of the family.
NGT puts these values into practice as an extremely effective organisation, restoring and managing high value conservation lands using science-based methods, and a competent professional workforce. Importantly NGT engages effectively with local communities, through environmental education and motivating a dedicated volunteer workforce to achieve impressive on-ground works and great outcomes for the environment.
The Moore family recognises that there are long term financial costs for NGT in taking custodianship of land such as Kurrawonga and we are pleased that, through the NGT Foundation, our donation helps to provide long term funding for NGT’s important work.
Richard Moore, on behalf of Bill and Kate Moore’s children – John, Andrew, Margie, David and Richard. January 2020
In case you are not familiar with the concept, the growing preserved balance of the NGT Foundation (a permanent endowment fund) will eventually allow us to generate a sustainable income stream to underpin the ongoing operations of NGT and the maintenance, restoration work, management and research on NGT Reserves. This is the best way that we can make sure all the hard work done to establish and secure these important areas is not eventually compromised by a lack of long-term resourcing, one of the most significant ongoing challenges for all organisations that manage land for conservation. With this in mind, we wish to thank the Moore Family for their dedication and commitment to NGT’s work, both now and into the future, which is an inspiration!
If you are interested in supporting the ongoing sustainability of NGT in this way, by establishing a named fund in your name, to honour someone special to you, or by making the future provision to do so (via a bequest in your Will), you can confidentially contact us at: and we’d be happy to discuss the options with you.
While there is no maximum limit, the minimum starting balance for a named fund is $10,000, and all donations into the NGT Foundation are tax-deductible.
Named Funds as at March 2020:
Moore Family Fund
James Darling AM & Lesley Forwood Fund
NGT Reserves Fund
OneFortyOne Fund