February Video Update from Gooseneck Swamp
When we headed out to Gooseneck Swamp last week, we were fortunate to be joined by neighbours Doug Craig and Michael Innes.
It just so happens that Michael had his video camera handy, and asked me for an impromptu update on the outcomes of the restoration trial so far. Thanks to the magic of modern editorial software, we have been able to take that interview as a starting point, include a few additional images, and add the latest time-lapse photography of the site from Lachlan. You can see the finished product on the Vimeo site here, or click below:
And, in case you are wondering why Michael had his camera with him – he has a strong interest in the connection between culture, arts and the environment, and has been following the restoration trial with interest. If you are keen to learn more about his work, please visit the futureplace website.
We hope you enjoy the story so far….!