First Display Garden planted out!
Among other things, Nature Glenelg Trust’s Cross Border Community Nursery Project is funded by the Australian Government to work with community groups, schools and government organisations to establish eight Display Gardens throughout the South East of SA and Western Victoria.
The aim of these gardens is to showcase the beauty and diversity of the local flora at each site and the importance of that flora in maintaing healthy ecosystems. The gardens will also highlight the significance of our native plants to local Aboriginal people.
The DEWNR Display Garden is the first one to get underway and presents a fantastic opportunity to exhibit local indigenous plants that would look good in the home garden, as well as some that are very rare and threatened. The completed garden will include information signs explaining the value of these plants for biodiversity and to Aboriginal culture.
The success of Sunday’s planting is due in no small measure to the organisational and catering prowess of Drew Laslett and the many DEWNR staff and other volunteers who have taken part in the site planning, preparation and planting out.
As well as plants from the NGT community nursery, a number of plants for this garden were donated by Neville Bonney, Steve Clarke and Vanessa Freebairn.
A big thank you to all involved!