Fish, tadpoles, and turtles – a fascinating trifecta for students
Last month, year 11 students from Investigator College and year 4 and 5 students from Adelaide-based schools shed their sneakers, slid into waders and took on the aquatic environment to learn about threatened and introduced aquatic species. Their efforts were rewarded with a bounty of native and introduced fish, tadpoles and turtles sampled via fyke nets. Fish activities were undertaken at the Investigator College Currency Creek campus and on Hindmarsh Island. These programs are curriculum linked and provide hands on experience on conservation, aquatic ecology and management. It was great to see so many enthusiastic students, teachers and schools involved in threatened fish conservation education programs.

A critical part of conservation is education and it’s a big part of what we do here at NGT. We love heading out with young people and helping them understand the natural world around them.

We look forward to working with more students in 2023. If your school would like to get involved, check out our eduction brochure for more info on some of our offerings and get in touch here ().