Friends of Forgotten Woodlands continue to recreate masterpieces and natural landscapes in the Southern Grampians
The Friends of Forgotten Woodlands (FOFW) is a volunteer group working to recreate the woodland communities that were once a keystone in the ecology of the Victorian Volcanic Plains. Bill Weatherly from the group has spent a great deal of time studying paintings of western Victoria by artists such as Chevalier and Von Guerrard and is using these sources and others to work out which trees were growing at particular locations. It’s a very interesting concept to be involved in, and planting began at NGT’s Long Point Reserve in 2021 (read more here).
In mid-October, we headed back to Long Point with the FOFW to continue the restoration works. The group focusses on three main species, drooping sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata), silver banksia (Banksia marginata), and sweet bursaria (Bursaria spinosa) and we were able to get 135 seedlings in the ground at this working bee. Below are a few photos from the event.