From Nelson to Adelaide… to talk wetlands and corridors…

From Nelson to Adelaide… to talk wetlands and corridors…

On Wednesday evening I headed down to Nelson to introduce Nature Glenelg Trust (NGT) to the Nelson Coast Care Group. After my presentation, and a great discussion with the group about wetland restoration, it was a rather quick exit to make the journey to Adelaide for meetings on Thursday to discuss the draft National Wildlife Corridors Plan with members of the Advisory Group established by the Australian Government. I am very grateful to Becky McCann, a member of NGT’s voluntary Committee of Management, for coming along in her own time – and for keeping me alert with some great conversation during our long (and late) journey!

On Thursday, it was great to see the progress being made at a national level in encouraging environmental programs in Australia to be guided towards addressing environmental challenges at the right scale, across boundaries, and in partnership with community groups and people on the land – which the draft National Wildlife Corridors Plan seeks to achieve. As Nature Glenelg Trust’s focal region sits in the heart of both the Naturelinks and Habitat 141 corridor initiatives, our aim of restoring wetlands as stepping stones in this landscape is highly consistent with the draft Plan.

The discussion at the consultation session for non-government organisations in the morning was followed up by an informal dinner in the evening with a wide range of people active in landscape conservation programs in South Australia, from across all sectors. In addition to meeting some new people also working in the not-for-profit sector, it was great to catch up with some past colleagues from DENR. Thanks to the people at the Adelaide Zoo for hosting a great evening.

River Murray - South East Naturelink


Habitat 141

Mark Bachmann