Great Southern Bioblitz – Get involved this Spring

The Great Southern Bioblitz kicked off in 2020, during the heart of the COVID lock-downs and has continued every year since.

Participants from across the Southern Hemisphere will login to the iNaturalist app to record observations of wildlife over the period September 20-23rd.

It’s a great way to participate easily in a global citizen science project. As ecologists, we recognise the importance of biodiversity records across the landscape to help us figure out what is changing over time, so the more the merrier!

The beauty of iNaturalist is you don’t even have to identify the species, you just upload a photo, and other volunteers will put a name to it. It’s a fantastic way to learn more about our local biodiversity while contributing to a greater pool of data. Happy bioblitz-ing!

This year the Glenelg Hopkins CMA has created a project area for observations across the Glenelg Hopkins Region. You can find out more about how to register by clicking here.

For everyone outside the Glenelg Hopkins Region, have a look at the general instructions on the Great Southern Bioblitz page here.

In 2024 the Great Southern Bioblitz takes place across September 20th – 23rd.

Melissa Herpich