Have your say on 2013 ‘Up Close’ events!
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to invite you all to have your say on what activities, topics and themes you would like to see take place, and suggest where in the region we might host them, as a part of the 2013 ‘Up close’ Biodiversity events program in the South East.
‘Up Close’ is a series of environmentally themed events, aiming to give families and friends (or anyone really), a fresh chance to learn about what nature has to offer in our region, connecting people to their local landscape and showing how you can make a difference through practical, thought provoking and fun hands on talks, walks and experiences!
If you or your group have an idea for a talk, walk or ‘up close’ event, I’d love to hear from you!
Spotlighting nights, interactive talks, guided walks and movie screenings on topics including frogs, bats, bugs, pelicans, wildlife photography and biodiversity in the backyard are some of the activities we want to build on from previous events.
What would you like to know more about? All ideas are welcome… Topics can be broad, for example: “Why is the South East landscape so special?” or “How can a wetland be a wetland if it’s dry, and why are wetlands important?”; to specific things about particular areas, habitats or topics, for example: “Brolgas”, “What lives in caves?” or “Tips for taking good macro photos of plants”.
Ideas that tie events to photography, art, tours or other events already planned for next year are also most welcome.
If you, your group or project team have a topic, guest speaker recommendation, idea for a presentation or field based biodiversity activity, or can help in any other way please contact me (Becky McCann) by close of business Tuesday 20 November.
Thanks everyone!