Interesting new research on the NGT logo – the Ancient Greenling – at Long Swamp

Interesting new research on the NGT logo – the Ancient Greenling – at Long Swamp

Since sharing the recent good news about Long Swamp, I was forwarded a copy of some very interesting new research on the Ancient Greenling Damselfly (NGT’s logo!). This work occurred in Long Swamp, which is a key habitat area for the Ancient Greenling, and found the species to be quite prolific in its preferred wetland habitat. This is good news for a species that until recent years, on the basis of limited records, had been considered rare and threatened.

The report is pretty technical, but for the keen entomologists among you, will make interesting reading.

If you are keen to learn more, you can download the full report here.


The cover of the new Ancient Greenling report


Mark Bachmann