Kurrawonga: A charm of magpies, the bathing wallaby, and perhaps a wombat?
Our most recent working bee at Kurrawonga took place on a thankfully cool day in February. With several chainsaw-skilled volunteers we were able to have four saws going at once and made huge progress on the remaining Coast Wattle. Hopefully, we will be able to remove the final remnants at our next working bee!
We also set up five camera traps, and after only 20 days a camera near the cottage has caught Rufous Bristlebirds dancing, and up to six magpies sitting in and around the birdbath. A Swamp Wallaby has been washing at night; check out the short video below.
One of our cameras photographed a very chunky, furry bottom. Was it a wombat?
We looked more closely, and it turned out to be a koala, which looks very similar to a wombat from some angles.
We also set up tile grids which will become habitat and survey sites for reptiles. No scaly species have moved in yet, but hopefully once the weather cools a little we’ll begin to see some residents.
The next Kurrawonga working bee will be held on Saturday the 13th of April 2019. If you are interested in visiting Kurrawonga or helping out at a working bee, please email me.
If you would like to check out the property without being put to work, come along to one of our Open Days. We had a handful of visitors at our first Kurrawonga Open Day this past weekend, on Saturday the 9th of March. These events are your chance to explore, picnic, or just sit quietly. The gates are unlocked from 9am to 3pm.
Please note that any planned activities will be cancelled if they fall on a Total Fire Ban day.