NGT’s very handy local reptile identification guide – order your copy today!
Nature Glenelg Trust has recently finalised an update to a Field Guide to the Skinks of the South East of South Australia.
Jeff Wauchope (a retired National Parks Planner and herpetologist) worked in the South East region for many years and before retiring in the early 2000s produced a field guide to the local skinks to help with identification. Jeff developed an ‘easy to use’ guide, where you don’t need to be an expert!
Looking closely at head scales is the easy to use feature of the guide with excellent photos of all the species you are likely to encounter in our region (and SW Vic).
We have enjoyed using previous versions of Jeff’s guide during fauna surveys and have now updated the guide with the latest nomenclature and more images of some of our fabulous skinks.
This field guide would be a handy addition to any field reptile enthusiast, school, university and field naturalist club. Copies are available from Nature Glenelg Trust for $10 (drop in or call 08 8797 8596), or you can order a free electronic version (by email).
The proceeds will be used to help fund work on a third edition encompassing more of NGT’s focal region in western Victoria – especially those species on the western edge of their range in that region that do not occur in adjacent SA.
Thanks to NGT staff Sam Rothe and more recently Nicole Mojonnier for updating this field guide and giving it a new look.