New grant funding to boost restoration works at Eaglehawk Waterhole!
In the last 24 hours we have received some good news – an application for funding submitted by NGT to the Australian Government’s 20 Million Trees program has been successful. It is one of 57 projects funded nationally, and one of eight projects in South Australia. For a full list of the successful projects you can see them here: 20mt-funding-round-one-successful
So what is the project all about?
Here is the description for more details:
Eaglehawk Waterhole – Woodland restoration for nationally threatened species
Eaglehawk Waterhole is a 684 ha former farm, purchased by Nature Glenelg Trust (NGT) in late 2013, near the western end of the Little Desert NP. The property includes 510 ha of previously grazed and partly cleared woodland habitat & is a key feeding & roosting site for the nationally endangered SE Red-tailed Black-cockatoo (RTBC).
This project will result in the planting & re-creation of a 70 ha woodland habitat corridor across on the property, with an emphasis on food tree species for the RTBC (Brown Stringybark & Buloke) & associated threatened or rare understorey plants.
The plants will be grown in the NGT operated community nursery in Mount Gambier, using seed collected from the property with the support of community volunteers.