NGT is looking for a new Senior Ecologist!
As you may have heard, NGT’s Cath Dickson will be off to start a PhD research project studying on Macquarie Island, based out of Melbourne from May. Despite there being a significant tinge of sadness for the upcoming farewell to someone who has been crucial to NGT’s success over our first 4 years, it is also hard not to be excited for Cath given that this is a rare and amazing opportunity!
Cath will still be at work throughout March, before getting herself organised and moving to Melbourne in April.
So to make sure that NGT is also well prepared in the lead-up to Cath’s departure, we have just published an advertisement for a replacement Senior Threatened Species Ecologist on the NRM jobs website. A pdf of the job details can also be viewed here.
Applications close at 5pm on the 8th of March.
Please mention this rare opening to anyone you know who might have the right skills, experience, attitude and approach to their work that would enable them to slot seamlessly into our team.
For the right person, an exciting opportunity awaits…