NGT Out and About in September – Photos from the Field
What a lovely day for a bird survey – check out Sam’s list of species from her latest survey (below). We’ve also been hosting an environmental education program at Walker Swamp, with school and TAFE student getting some first-hand experiences in conservation work, and a taste of bird-watching too.
Here (above) Samantha is completing a monthly bird survey. Every month, Sam has been surveying 28 sites around the Southern Grampians, and this particular spot is on private property. The birds she found here were: Tree Martin, White-faced Heron, White-necked Heron, Black Swan with six cygnets, Pacific Black Duck, Australian Wood Duck, Grey Teal, Crimson Rosella, Superb Fairy-wren, Red Wattlebird, Grey Shrike-thrush, Grey Fantail & Yellow-faced Honeyeater. We also heard Brown Tree Frogs and Common Froglets, as well as the three Long-Billed Corellas (see above her head) that let everything else within 5-km know that we were there!
Conservation & Land Management students from South West TAFE helped plant trees with NGT’s Tom & Ayesha, and learnt about the social and geological history of the site from Greg, who then led them in a bird watching expedition.
Dunkeld Consolidated School’s Year 5 and 6 students met NGT’s Ayesha and Lachie, who helped them understand how plants and animals have adapted to live in their environments. They looked at the rich biodiversity found in the water and on the land.
Thanks Lisa McIntyre, NGT’s Southern Grampians Community Coordinator, for these photos.