NGT Successful in Round 4 of the Victorian Communities for Nature Grants
In some recent good news, we’ve just heard that a grant funding proposal that Lachie put together for working with the community and landholders at Deep Lake, near Derrinallum, has been funded in Round 4 of the Communities for Nature Program in Victoria.
To give you a feel for what this project is about, here is a brief overview from the application:
Deep Lake, just to the west of Derrinallum in western Victoria, is an important recreational amenity hosting a recreation reserve and campground, a yacht and powerboat club and an angling club which receives an annual allocation of fingerlings for recreational fishing. Whilst the recreational amenity of the waterbody is high, it’s use during peak times is often compromised by blue green algal blooms. Such outbreaks are difficult to manage and alleviate in the short-term however, it is now well recognised that local catchment management actions, specifically those aimed at reducing nutrient inputs, are a key component of reducing the likelihood and magnitude of blooms. This project aims to work with community groups and landholders who border the lake to identify nutrient inflow hotspots and undertake targeted actions around these hotspots in order to reduce nutrient inputs.
The pdf of the full list of successful grants across the state can be viewed here: 2014-CfN-Rd4-successful.