NGT talks about Glenshera Swamp and Lower Murray fish at the SA NRM Science Conference
A few weeks ago, a couple of NGT staff gave presentations at the SA NRM Science Conference in Adelaide.
On the Wednesday afternoon, I gave an overview of the restoration options work that Lachlan and I pulled together for Glenshera Swamp, in Stipiturus Conservation Park. It was especially great to catch up with some of the community members who have been so generous with their knowledge and supportive of the project so far, and to begin talking about our hopes of seeing the plan implemented in the near future.
One of the first potential steps shared in the presentation is shown below, which would involve reinstatement of the original meandering creek that formerly discharged into the top of Glenshera Swamp. For more information, the restoration options report can be downloaded here.
Then on the Friday morning, Nick talked about the important research that has been taking place over recent years, looking into the rescue, conservation and recovery of native freshwater fish populations in the Lower Murray in SA. He challenged the audience to consider whether, based on current population data for key species, we are truly ready for another extended dry phase. Based on the figures, let’s hope we have a wet winter and spring ahead across the MDB Catchment and southern Australia generally to give our threatened fish a fighting chance.
Thanks to DEWNR and the University of Adelaide for hosting a really diverse and informative event.