NGT wins free in screen promotion at Adelaide 36ers home games!
While in Adelaide for work a few weeks ago on Wednesday the 4th of October, I entered the “CEO Shootout” for a bit of fun at the Adelaide 36ers home stadium.
With about 25 or 30 competitors lining up, expectations were pretty low, but I had nothing to lose… the challenge was to see who could hit the most foul shots in 2 minutes.
One of the first competitors got on a roll and hit 22 shots, which looked like the score to beat. When my turn came up, I managed to get to 22 with about 10 seconds left, but then missed my next few attempts, landing the winning (23rd) shot on the buzzer!
The first prize for NGT is $10,000 worth of promotion at Adelaide 36ers home games this season, and we’re currently working out how to link this with a planned upcoming fundraising campaign for NGT’s next major restoration project (but sorry – no details on that yet – you’ll hear all about it in the next few months!).
A huge thanks to the Adelaide 36ers for this unusual but really valuable opportunity – the type of exposure this will give our small regionally-based NGO to a new audience is something we’d be unable to purchase, so it is a tremendous outcome for us.
Watch this space for more to come…