Orange-bellied Parrot soon to migrate to Tasmania for breeding
As the weather warms up and the north westerly winds move in, members of the Orange-bellied Parrot population will ‘hitch a ride’ and catch the breeze back to Tasmania for their breeding season. This means the mainland season for the Orange-bellied Parrot is coming to an end.
On the weekend of September 10 and 11, the last survey weekend was held throughout the Orange-bellied Parrot range. From the Murray River mouth to West Gippsland, volunteers searched coastal wetlands with no wild Orange-bellied Parrots recorded. In our focal region of South West Victoria, no Blue Wing parrots were recorded either, as these birds move to more wooded areas for breeding.
However, if you are spending any time along the coast over the next month, please still keep an eye out, as Orange-bellied Parrots will be making their way along the coast and back to Tasmania. Take a camera with you wherever you go because you never know, you just might be the lucky person to report a confirmed sighting (photos are required to confirm the sighting).
I’d like to sincerely thank all the volunteers who have donated their time and effort this winter looking for Orange-bellied Parrots along the South West Victorian coastline.
If you would like to be updated on the Orange-bellied Parrot project next year, get in touch with Jess via email.
The OBP project is supported by Glenelg Hopkins CMA and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.