Rare sighting of a platypus caught on video between Gooseneck and Walker Swamp

Rare sighting of a platypus caught on video between Gooseneck and Walker Swamp

I was just starting to stroll into the Grampians National Park, along the drain that flows from Walker Swamp towards Gooseneck Swamp off Lynchs Crossing Road, when something caught my eye in the drain…

     Is that a water rat?

     No, that’s a bill – it is a platypus!

That was the moment I grabbed the phone and captured some rare footage of the animal, before it vanished by catching the flow back down the drain. Here is about half of the recording (note quality is reduced to keep the file size reasonable)…


Considering how far it is from permanent water in the Wannon River to this location, this platypus has clearly been on the move and enjoying the current abundance of water in the landscape.

Has anyone else out there seen a platypus in the Wannon River recently?

Platypus near Gooseneck Swamp - Photo by Mark Bachmann

Platypus near Gooseneck Swamp – Photo by Mark Bachmann

Mark Bachmann