Regional Action Plan workshops – great team work across the South East!
Natural Resources South East and Nature Glenelg Trust joined forces over the last 7 months to roll out a number of community workshops as part of the Restoring Under-represented Ecological Communities project (RUEC). The aim of the workshops was to seek input and engage with the community, landholders and land managers about the plight of our threatened species and ecological communities.
Community Engagement Team leader with NRSE Natalie Misic volunteered to facilitate several workshops ranging from Swamp Gum and Blue Gum Woodlands to Malleefowl. Community members, government representatives and ecological experts from all over the region participated in the workshops with all of the valuable contributions now being incorporated into each plan to improve the accuracy of their content and to help set the direction for ‘on-ground actions’ over the next few years and beyond.
The series of workshops included:
- Swamp Gum and Blue Gum Woodlands – November 2015
- Heath Mouse – March 2016
- Malleefowl – March 2016
- Karst Rising Springs – May 2016
The feedback from this series of workshops has been really positive and we thank everyone for their interest and participation. Beyond finalising the plans, the implementation of key aspects of the regional action plans will now occur, as they form important milestones in the RUEC project, so keep an eye and ear out for your chance to participate.