Southern Grampians volunteering update and upcoming opportunities
As spring quickly approaches, so does the need (and urge!) for us to be outside and doing things!! So we have a great array of activities and opportunities for you to become involved with and spend some time in these glorious landscapes.
Fencing at the northern revegetation site at Walker Swamp is now nearly complete – thanks to the great work of Tom, Rosemary, their wonderful band of volunteer assistants, and local fencing contractor Dale Collins. In all approximately 1,260 metres of fencing (using secondhand wire and posts) will protect 5.4 hectares from local grazing pressure. We are hoping to get this finished during the Full Moon Camp (see details below). We’ll then start different forms of weed control (measuring which form is most successful), recording species, establishing photo points and planting.

You may remember in April this year, a group of very energetic volunteers helped fill and place sandbags across breaches of the Barrahead Swamp sill, on a private property at Mirranatwa. It is now slowly filling (reflecting the low rainfall we’ve had to date), but is still provides a most beautiful vista.

Bill Weatherly (from Friends of the Forgotten Woodlands) has been busy growing plants – banksias, sheoaks and bursarias – and preparing sites for our next planting day at Long Point, Dunkeld. Tom and I checked the sites out this week, and had to show you this photo of a very healthy sheoak that was planted last October. Bill and Tom have again been studying the paintings of Chevalier and Von Guerrard, to work out where to plant this next lot of trees.

Our upcoming calendar:
If you are coming to any event – or would just like to know more about them – please contact me via email or phone (55 749 235 or 0428 749 235.
Friday 26th August 2022 – Fieldwork Friday
Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September 2022 – Full Moon Camp at Walker Swamp (activities include planting, fencing, tree guard cutting, fence line clearing, bittern survey etc). Camping is available on site, or just travel out for the day. NGT will provide the campground, a portaloo, and basic tools. Please bring everything else you need! Please RSVP to Lisa
Friday 30th September – Fieldwork Friday
Saturday 15th October – planting day with the Friends Of The Forgotten Woodlands at Long Point
Friday October 28th 2022 – Fieldwork Friday
Friday 25th November 2022 – Fieldwork Friday
Early December – Red Gum assessments with Greg Kerr – dates to be determined
These activities are supported by the Victorian Government through the 2021 Community Volunteer Action Grants.