Swamp Gum woodland restoration (Year one complete)
Swamp Gum woodland sites received a further boost recently with planting of understorey species in three lower South East sites.
Rare species were planted out to create new colonies in Honan and Warreanga Native Forest Reserves with Troy Horn from ForestrySA. These areas are remnant bushland areas managed by ForestrySA and contain some of our most unique and rare flora in the state; however, some plant populations are declining and need a helping hand. The declines are mostly from unknown causes but we can make a difference by increasing the number of each species’ population to ensure they can be self-sustaining into the future.
Swamp Daisy-bush (Olearia glandulosa) and Dwarf Nertera (Leptostigma reptans) were planted at Honan NFR in an area of grassy swamp gum woodland, then a colony of Sticky Daisy-bush (Olearia glutinosa) were planted in Warreanga NFR in a shallow soil over limestone.
Seeds and cuttings were grown at the NGT Community Nursery site (Vansittart Park, Mt Gambier) with future planning for next year’s growing season underway.
A third swamp gum site was visited with Tenison Woods College environment students last month. The students lead by teacher Tom Linnell, finished off the planting and watering required to establish over 300 grasses and lilies as a native understorey beneath Swamp Gums at the Pick Swamp section of the RAMSAR listed Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park.
The Mt Gambier Area Friends of Parks group commenced the planting and fencing back in June, and the fence is standing proud and strong thanks to their great team effort.
The site has also received a follow up spray to remove any emerging pasture weeds which will maximise soil moisture available to the new native plants come spring. Thanks to Rose and Jonathon for their involvement in this project site.
We hope to monitor progress of all these sites especially the rainfall to ensure they have enough moisture coming into what is predicted to be a dry spring/summer.
This project is supported by Nature Glenelg Trust, ForestrySA and Natural Resources South East, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme.