Talking about our cross-border coastal wetlands at the Coastal Volunteers Forum in Nelson
On Saturday the 5th of July, I had the pleasure of attending (and giving a short presentation at) the Coastal Volunteers Forum, hosted by the Nelson Coastcare Group but attended by a range of dedicated volunteers from both sides of the border. The theme of the day was Long Swamp, the Glenelg River estuary, Piccaninnie Ponds and Ramsar status, and involved presentations from:
- Dr Andrea White (DEPI, Melbourne) with the latest on the process underway (and future steps required) for seeking international Ramsar convention recognition for Long Swamp and the Glenelg estuary;
- Myself, giving a brief overview of the ecological history of Long Swamp and the current restoration trial at the Nobles Rocks outlet; and,
- Steve Clarke (DEWNR, Mt Gambier) who spoke about the latest major wetland restoration works recently completed in the nearby Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park in SA, which has been a Ramsar site for the past 18 months.
Finally, in an unexpected (but fitting) end to the forum, Emma Dart (DEPI, Warranmbool) closed proceedings by presenting Leila Huebner with a Coastcare Victoria Medallion, in recognition of her outstanding voluntary efforts for coastal conservation over many years. Congratulations Leila!
Also, well done to Mary, Leila, Trena and the rest of the Nelson Coastcare group for pulling together such a well organised event.